Norbrook Opticlox Eye Ointment For Livestock, Horses, Dogs And Cats
Sterile cream for ophthalmic use. Each 5 gram containing 16.7 w/w cloxacillin in a long acting base.Indication: For the treatment of eye infections caused by staphylococcus spp and Bacillus spp.Presentation: syringe 5gOrigin: Norbrook N Ireland.
KSh 350.00 -
Nordox 75 wg
Nordox ? 75 WP (Red Copper) Cuprous oxide (equivalent to 75% metallic copper)
KSh 3,640.00Nordox 75 wg
KSh 3,640.00 -
Osho Caplix liquid booster
For Better Nutrient Digestion. Improves digestion and absorption with multi enzymes and probiotics.
Compound enzyme in liquid form for better feed digestion in poultry.
Poultry feed supplement of enzymes, calcium, phosphorus and vitamins.STORAGE:
Store below 30?C, protect from light and moisture.
Keep out of reach of children.KSh 490.00Osho Caplix liquid booster
KSh 490.00 -
Broad-spectrum contact herbicide absorbed by the foliage. Acts in plants by inhibition of glutamine synthetase leading to reduced glutamine and elevated ammonia levels in tissues, halting photosynthesis and resulting in plant death.
KSh 3,150.00Osho GLUSAR 18%SL
KSh 3,150.00 -
Osho MATADOR? 48% EC
Matador 48%?EC?is a?Termiticide?for the control of termites in building and construction timber and related wood products.
It is a cholinesterase inhibitor with contact, stomach and respiratory action.
KSh 595.00 – KSh 1,820.00Osho MATADOR? 48% EC
KSh 595.00 – KSh 1,820.00 -
Osho Osefin dudu dust
OSEFIN? DUST 7.5% is a public health Insecticide for the control of cockroaches, ants and fleas in domestic environs by dusting.
KSh 280.00 -
Osho Plantone 45SL
Plantone 4.5 SL is a plant growth regulator that can be used on a wide range of crops. It induces flowering, prevents flower loss and prevents pre-harvest fruit loss.
KSh 245.00 – KSh 630.00 -
Oshothion 50EC insecticide
OSHOTHION 50 EC is a broad spectrum, non-systemic insecticide used for the control of a wide range of insects like thrips, aphids, coleoptera, diptera, hemiptera, hymenoptera and lepidoptera in a wide range of crops, including cotton, fruit trees, potatoes, rice, coffee and vegetables.
KSh 490.00 – KSh 980.00 -
Pestorid bolus
a chemical substance used to kill harmful insects, small animals, wild plants, and other. Cautiously use for puppies under four weeks of age and kittens under 6 weeks of age. Liver toxicity may occur when large doses are taken continuously.
KSh 4,410.00Pestorid bolus
KSh 4,410.00 -
Pig Nipple Drinker 1 Pc
It is?a kind of drinker frequently used in pig farms, and it has the shape of a knob that the pig bites or presses so the water comes out.
KSh 420.00Pig Nipple Drinker 1 Pc
KSh 420.00 -
Pig restrainer
Its a device used for control of pigs during treatment. The restrainers are suitable for animals of very different weights and sizes, although they can be adjusted both in their separation and the height of the upper protective roof, a necessary element to prevent the animals from trying to climb over each other.
Do you want a safe and effective way to restrain your pigs without causing them stress or discomfort? With a pig restrainer you will be able to restrain the animals in an effective and humane way without causing them any harm.
The pig restrainer is a professional level tool that facilitates the control and immobilization of pigs during their transfer to the stunning area and later to the bleeding table, complying with the European Animal Welfare regulations. Its robust construction and well-designed features allow it to keep pigs safely and stably in place, without causing them any harm.
KSh 2,450.00