Twiga Quiksil
A non-ionic, organosilicone based miticide/adjuvant for the control of Spidermites in Roses. Also improves spray coverage and enhances performance of insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, acaricides & foliar fertilizers. QUIKSIL can be applied at any time, mixed with pesticides or micronutrients or for Red spider mites control when infestation of mites has been noticed.
KSh 3,220.00Twiga Quiksil
KSh 3,220.00 -
Calf hoof trimmer heavy duty
Used to cleanly trim foot rot off the affected areas of the hoof of the animal
KSh 3,220.00 -
Rumen Magnet Applicator 1pc
Magnet magnets?can easily be inserted orally into cows with the magnet dispenser gun model.
The cage magnet must be inserted in good time in all healthy cattle, so that diseases are prevented.
- Operation with 1 hand
- Good design
- Simple operation
- Rounded edges
- Suitable for cage magnet mode
KSh 3,430.00Rumen Magnet Applicator 1pc
KSh 3,430.00 -
Nordox 75 wg
Nordox ? 75 WP (Red Copper) Cuprous oxide (equivalent to 75% metallic copper)
KSh 3,640.00Nordox 75 wg
KSh 3,640.00 -
Eva sheets (cow mattress)
The?Durasoft cow mattress?is made of a reinforced rubber top cover delivered on a roll, with a 40mm polyurethane mattress below it. The top cover has a thickness of 3.2 mm and is reinforced.
KSh 4,130.00Eva sheets (cow mattress)
KSh 4,130.00 -
AMIRAN Neemraj super 3000
NEEM RAJ SUPER is contact,anti moulting and repellant insecticide used in the control of white flies, thrips, aphids.
KSh 4,200.00 -
Twiga Celphos Fumigation Tablets
Insecticide/fumigant for the control or various storage insect pests and rodents in raw grain, processed and packaged foodstuffs, tobbacco.
On exposure to moisture in the air, Celphos tablets slowly release phosphine gas which when inhaled result into the instant death of the pests.
KSh 4,200.00 -
Automatic Drencher
Used?to administer precise amounts of liquid medications to cattle, sheep, goats, and horses. The hooked portion is placed in the animal’s mouth to administer the liquid medication.
KSh 4,410.00 – KSh 5,460.00Automatic Drencher
KSh 4,410.00 – KSh 5,460.00 -
JACKPOT 50EC?is a broad-spectrum synthetic pyrethroid?insecticide?for the control of biting and sucking insect pests in crops. It has a quick knock-down and repellency effect through contact, residual and stomach activity and therefore stopping pest damage to crops immediately.
JACKPOT 50EC?has also some effect on mites and therefore, in a regular spray program, it can be used to eliminate or reduce the number of specific acaricide sprays required during a season.
JACKPOT 50EC?can be applied as foliar spray using most types of spraying equipment. The application should be made when pests first appear and continue every 7 days depending on rains/irrigation and infestation.
JACKPOT 50EC?is compatible with most commonly used pesticides. However, DO NOT tank mix with any product unless your own prior testing has shown that the combination is physically compatible, effective and non- injurious under your condition.
KSh 4,410.00CKL Jackpot 50 EC INSECTICIDE
KSh 4,410.00 -
Pestorid bolus
a chemical substance used to kill harmful insects, small animals, wild plants, and other. Cautiously use for puppies under four weeks of age and kittens under 6 weeks of age. Liver toxicity may occur when large doses are taken continuously.
KSh 4,410.00Pestorid bolus
KSh 4,410.00 -
Bayer Fludora fusion
Fludora? Fusion has been developed specifically for vector control applications; it is the first product intended for indoor residual spraying campaigns which combines two unrelated modes of action, providing optimum effectiveness under conditions of insecticide resistance. The dual mode of action provides more robust and consistent residual activity compared to either active ingredient applied alone.
KSh 8,400.00Bayer Fludora fusion
KSh 8,400.00 -
Sygenta Actellic 50 EC insecticide
ACTELLIC 50EC gives both knock-down activity and long lasting protection against invasion by a range of insect pests in stored grain.
KSh 8,400.00