Murtano super
Seed treatment insecticide and fungicide mixture for control of downey mildew, damping off as well as soil and season insect pest.
KSh 350.00Murtano super
KSh 350.00 -
Norbrook Opticlox Eye Ointment For Livestock, Horses, Dogs And Cats
Sterile cream for ophthalmic use. Each 5 gram containing 16.7 w/w cloxacillin in a long acting base.Indication: For the treatment of eye infections caused by staphylococcus spp and Bacillus spp.Presentation: syringe 5gOrigin: Norbrook N Ireland.
KSh 350.00 -
Veta mix nyama is a specially formulated nutritional supplement for improving the fertility, growth rate and general health of ruminant livestock.it contains vitamins,feedgrade urea, molasses the 6 major elements and all the required trace elements that shall all help improve the productivity of beef cattle, range cattle, sheep and goats.
KSh 280.00 -
Blue cross malathion dust
Your number one solution against storage pests. Dera Blue Cross Dust can be used on stored grains (maize) and stored beans against Bruchids and Maize Weevils. Active ingredient: Malathion 20g/kg. Dosage: 50gms per 90kgs. Manufacturer: Dera Chemicals Industries
KSh 280.00 -
Application Timing Spray at first sign of infestation. Repeat application after 10 – 14 days intervals. For scale insect control, an addition of medium light white oil at 1.2% of the total spray volume enhances control. Preparation of Spray Mixture Dilute recommended amount of DIAZOL 60EC with required amount of water in the spraying tank stirring well. Do not allow the spray mixture to stand. For high volume application, use 100 – 1000lt. Spray mixture/ Ha. Note: On Roses, a trial application is recommended to check for plant tolerance of species and varieties prior to large scale treatment. Hazards/precautions Wear protective clothing, hand gloves, face shield, and impermeable boots when preparing the spray mixture and when spraying. Avoid breathing the spray mist, contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Do not apply upwind and stay out of spray mist. Do not smoke, drink or eat while handling the product.
KSh 280.00 -
Kiriko kaput sakti
Kiriko insecticide chalk is used in Public Health for the control of Cockroaches and Ants
KSh 280.00 -
Aesthetics Poultry dust
Effective against poultry soft ticks, feather mites, stick tight fleas and scaly leg mites.Has Malathion (FYFANON) 4% as its active ingredient. A product of Aesthetics Limited
KSh 210.00 – KSh 280.00 -
Chicken double nipples
Medilink Vet Supplies is proud to offer a fantastic range of high-quality poultry drinkers that are designed to meet all your chicken?s water needs. You need to have about 3? of open waterer space per hen as a minimum and 1 nipple per 9 hens, again as a minimum. The advantage of a nipple system is that it is quite resistant to bacterial growth, unlike the septic soup that most open waterers quickly become.
KSh 280.00 -
Osho Osefin dudu dust
OSEFIN? DUST 7.5% is a public health Insecticide for the control of cockroaches, ants and fleas in domestic environs by dusting.
KSh 280.00 -
Share this product Livotox herbal extract (osho)
Livotox facilitates early recovery from liver dysfunctions. Livotox inhibits mould growth, prevents mycotoxin biosynthesis, facilitates mycotoxin binding in intestinal tract, prevents transformation of mycotoxins into their harmful metabolites and rapid excretion from the system.
KSh 245.00 -
Share this product Barmuriat 0.5RB (rat bait)
Barmuriat 0.5rb is a quick and easy rodent bait, especially when dealing with rodents that may be carrying harmful diseases. It is easy to use and does not require much or any assembly.
KSh 245.00 -
Aesthetics Milking Salve Crak
This helps in preventing the teats from cracking and chapping, and keeps the skin soft, pliable and healthy. For teat cracks, apply Atlantis Milking salve in a sufficient quantity to fill cracks and cover the surrounding area. Apply uniformly to the chapped area and bruises to maintain skin suppleness
KSh 210.00