Syngenta Servian 75 WG
Servian is a?selective?early post-emergence herbicide for control of yellow nutsedge and purple nutsedges and certain broadleaf weedds in barley, wheat, maize and sugarcane.
KSh 5,320.00Syngenta Servian 75 WG
KSh 5,320.00 -
Greenlife Tornado 900SP Insecticide
Tornado? 900SP is a powerful broad-spectrum insecticide for use in roses for the control of Aphids, Thrips, and whiteflies. It is particularly active on many lepidopterous pests as an ovicide, larvicide and adulticide.
KSh 910.00 – KSh 5,600.00Greenlife Tornado 900SP Insecticide
KSh 910.00 – KSh 5,600.00 -
Kenagro Alfatox insecticide
A synthetic pyrethroid insecticide for the control of aphids, thrips, whiteflies and leaf miners on french beans, roses, pigeon peas(njugu) and rice. The Directions for Use of this p:oduct reflect the opinion of experts based on field use alld t2stS. The directions are believed to be reliable and should oe followed carefully. However, It is impossible to eliminate all risks inherently associated wIth use of this product. Crop injury, ineffectiveness, or other unintended consequences may result because of such factors as weather conditions, presence of other materials, or the manner of use or application all of which are beyond the control of CIBA-GEIGY or the Seller. All such risks shall be assumed by the Buyer
KSh 315.00 – KSh 560.00Kenagro Alfatox insecticide
KSh 315.00 – KSh 560.00 -
Kenagro Gradometer 480EC
Termicide for treating timber in building and construction, trees, fencing poles and wood related materials against termite attack, treatment of termite nests in lawn and gardens.
KSh 455.00 – KSh 1,001.00Kenagro Gradometer 480EC
KSh 455.00 – KSh 1,001.00 -
Advanta Hybrid grain sorghurm seeds
Advanta offers a full line of grain sorghum hybrids, with seed treatment options to meet your needs. Providing high-quality grain sorghum seed has long been our core business ? and that commitment is stronger now than ever. Advanta is the leading supplier of grain sorghum genetics around the world. No other company has devoted as many resources to the development of elite sorghum germplasm.
KSh 910.00Advanta Hybrid grain sorghurm seeds
KSh 910.00 -
Rainbow Capture 247 SC insecticide
Capture 247SC is broad spectrum systemic insecticide for control of Aphids, Whiteflies and thrips on Roses, Capsicum, French beans, Onions and tomatoes, Diamond back moth and aphids on cabbages and Aphids, thrips and caterpillars on broccoli.
KSh 910.00Rainbow Capture 247 SC insecticide
KSh 910.00 -
Suregrow high calcium NPK 15:2:3:16% Ca
It is designed for foliage and fertigation application systems. Adequate foilage coverage should be ensured while spraying. Apply every 10-14 days or as necessary when there are signs of nutrients deficiency. Use just before the formation of flowers and fruits for better yields.
KSh 1,330.00Suregrow high calcium NPK 15:2:3:16% Ca
KSh 1,330.00 -
Algreen Magical N-8%+Ca-18%, Mg-3%,Bo-1% +STIMULANTS Category: Algreens ? Packaging: Bottle ? ? ? ? ?MAGICAL has been formulated using the?GEL TECHNOLOGY
What is Gel Technology ?
- A unique world class formulation
- Controlled nutrients release
- Homogeneous solution
- Quick uptake and absorption
- Good stability and storability
- Participates in metabolic processes of other nutrients uptake
- Promotes proper plant cell elongation
- Strengthen cell wall structure
- Participates in enzymatic and hormonal processes
- Helps in protecting the plant against heat stress
- Helps in Protecting the plant against diseases
- Improves fruit quality
- Chlorophyll formation
- Synthesis of amino acids and cell proteins
- Uptake and migration of Phosphorus in plants .
- Vitamin A and C concentrations
- Resistance to unfavourable factors (drought, disease)
Application Rates:
Qty/20lt Qty/HA Fruits: water Melon,Coffee,Mangoes,Tree Tomatoes,Passion, Avocado, Citrus
30ml 1ltr Vegetables: French Beans,Peas, Kales, Cabbages, Tomatoes, Chillies, Herbs, Potatoes
30ml 1lt Cereals: Wheat, Maize, Barley,Rice
50ml 2ltr Ornamentals 50ml 2ltr KSh 280.00 – KSh 910.00Algreen MAGICAL
KSh 280.00 – KSh 910.00 -
Greenlife maize pro 500SC herbicide
Pre-emergence herbicide for control of annual grasses and broad leaved weeds in Maize.
KSh 1,680.00 – KSh 2,520.00Greenlife maize pro 500SC herbicide
KSh 1,680.00 – KSh 2,520.00 -
Easeed Cowpeas k80 seeds
Cowpea K80 variety is the best for leafy vegetable and pods production.
KSh 840.00Easeed Cowpeas k80 seeds
KSh 840.00 -
Prosper 440EC
PROSPER 440EC??is a broad spectrum miticide having contact and stomach action. PROSPER 440EC? effectively controls all stages of Red Spidermites in Roses and African Bollworm, Cotton Aphid and Cotton Stainer in Cotton. It has good initial killing effect and hence give better insect control.
KSh 630.00Prosper 440EC
KSh 630.00 -
Nexal is an insectide for public health use against bedbugs, cockroaches and ants.
Mode of action:?It acts through contact and ingestion affecting the nervous system of the insect causing death rapidly. It flushes out the insects within 5 minutes, knocks them down in 30minutes, and kills within 24hrs. For bedbugs, spray on the udder side of the beddings and mattresses, bed frameworks and joints, crevices and holes on the walls and other bedbugs harbouring areas.
Directions for Use:
Mixing instructions: Fill the spray tank halfway with water, start agitator mechanism and slowly add the required amount of Nexal 100SC. Add water to the final required volume with continuous agitation.
INSECT QUANTITY Cockroaches, bedbugs and ants 10ml per liter of water then spray the mixture at low pressure (Not above 2 Bar)
Re-entry interval: 6 hours after the spray.
Safety Precautions:
Use personal protective clothing. Do not breathe vapor / spray. Avoid contact with the skin, eyes and clothing.
Ensure thorough ventilation of stores and work areas. When using do not eat, drink or smoke. Hands and/or face should be washed before breaks and at the end of the shift.
Ensure thorough ventilation of stores and work areas. Keep away from food, drink and animal feeds. Keep in the original tight
closed container. Keep out of reach of children. Keep away from heat. Protect from direct sunlight.
KSh 6,580.00Atlantis NEXAL 100 SC INSECTICIDE
KSh 6,580.00