Mazao plenty starter plus
Starter plus from Seedpro has NPK ratio of 8-40-4 + 0.2MgO + T.E, a perfect combination to promote root growth.
KSh 1,190.00 -
Mazao plenty sure k
Sure K from Seedpro is a perfect foliar for your crops at the fruiting and flowering stage
KSh 1,540.00Mazao plenty sure k
KSh 1,540.00 -
Mazao plenty Vegetative plus
Vegetative?plus from Seedpro is an ideal foliar for promoting healthy foliage to your crops. Contains NPK ratio of 30-8-6 + MgO + TE for optimal production of your crops. It is designed for quick absorption through the leaves. It is well formulated with high Nitrogen for the leafy stage and proper stem formation.
KSh 1,540.00Mazao plenty Vegetative plus
KSh 1,540.00 -
Medina Mahindi RA 537-5 SE
Pre early and late post emergence herbicide for thr control of annual grasses and broad leaved weedds in maize
KSh 3,150.00Medina Mahindi RA 537-5 SE
KSh 3,150.00 -
Melody f1 melon seeds
KSP 1358 is oval round black skinned watermelon variety, with small seeds inside.
Fruit is very sweet in taste
It has excellent shipping quality & long shelf lifeKSh 3,500.00 -
Mende sharpshooter 0.5GB
Fipronil 0.5g/Kg
A ready to use Insecticide ?Gel tube used to kill all species of cockroaches -German, Oriental and American cockroach found harboring and breeding in food areas.KSh 700.00 -
Merrychem Hygienic 7.5% SC
A public health insecticide for the control of bedbugs, Cockroaches, fleas, Houseflies and ants.
KSh 420.00Merrychem Hygienic 7.5% SC
KSh 420.00 -
Microp topdressing fertilizer
MiCROP dressing fertilizer is a new quality fertilizer from Yara East Africa Limited. MiCROP fertilizers have been with Kenyan farmers in mind, taking into consideration typical Kenyan soil conditions in Kenya and micronutrients deficiencies in our soils.
KSh 5,250.00 -
Mite king 1.8 ec
MITEKING 1.8EC? an insecticide/acaracide that acts by blocking transmission signal between nerve and muscle cell based on normal antibioticc for the control of Red Spidermites; Leafminers on Basil; Chives; French Beans, Roses; Tomatoes. MITEKING 1.8EC? has a knock down effect and relatively short residual effect.
Preparation of Spray Mixture Half fill the spray tank with water. Mix the required quantity with a little water and
then pour the concentrate into the tank and top up with water to the required level while agitating. Spray immediately after mixing. Never spray after an overnight stay of the mixture. Application Foliar applied and thorough coverage is essential. The volume of water used depends on crop size and density. Repeat in an interval of 10 Days.KSh 3,150.00Mite king 1.8 ec
KSh 3,150.00 -
Murex K
Murex K is a foliar feed composed of NPK 10:20:40 + Trace elements. It is used to correct deficiencies in Potassium in coffee, cereals, vegetables, tomatoes, roses, strawberries and ornamental.
KSh 315.00 – KSh 1,960.00 -
Murex P
Murex?P is a foliar feed composed of NPK 10:40:20 +?Trace elements. It is used to correct deficiencies in?Potassium?in coffee, cereals, vegetables, tomatoes, roses, strawberries and ornamental. Our?Foliar Feeds, made to meet international standards, help plants compensate for soil deficiencies, including low fertility and low soil temperature, thus optimum yield and quality. Our?Foliar Feeds?are suitable for fruits, vegetables, coffee, ornamentals and cereals.
KSh 364.00 – KSh 2,380.00Murex P
KSh 364.00 – KSh 2,380.00 -
An?Insecticide?for the control of antestia bugs in coffee, thrips, aphids and whiteflies on roses; aphids, scaly insects and Termites on Tea Insecticide for control of also Bedbugs and cockroaches
KSh 1,120.00 – KSh 2,380.00MURSBAN 480 EC INSECTICIDE
KSh 1,120.00 – KSh 2,380.00