Suregrow high potassium NPK 13:3:46
It is designed for foliage and fertigation application systems.Adequate foliage coverage should be ensured while spraying. Apply every 10-14 days or as necessary when there are signs of nutrient deficiency.
KSh 1,330.00Suregrow high potassium NPK 13:3:46
KSh 1,330.00 -
Cabbage ruby queen f1 hybrid seeds
Ruby Queen is a medium maturing hybrid. Vigorous plants produce heads that are round and bright purplish-red. Plants are upright with intermediate resistance to Black Rot. Very good tolerance to both heat and cold. Recommended harvest is fall to winter.
KSh 2,205.00Cabbage ruby queen f1 hybrid seeds
KSh 2,205.00 -
Yara Suna
YaraSuna offers a comprehensive range of organic and organomineral fertilizers to prevent soil organic matter depletion. They complement Yara?s extensive?crop nutrition portfolio?and?digital agriculture solutions, offering a full spectrum of solutions that help to produce better crops. This product range is flexible and can be enhanced with nutrients (N, P, K, Mg, Ca, Mn, Se) to better fulfill farmers? different needs.
KSh 4,200.00Yara Suna
KSh 4,200.00 -
Sygenta Dual gold 960 EC herbicide
DUAL? GOLD 960 EC is a pre-emergence herbicide for the control of annual grass weeds in beans, maize and sugarcane.
KSh 1,820.00 – KSh 5,460.00Sygenta Dual gold 960 EC herbicide
KSh 1,820.00 – KSh 5,460.00 -
Oshothane 80 WP Fungicide
OSHOTHANE 80WP is broad-spectrum protective fungicide that controls a wide range of fungal diseases on a variety of crops. It is a non-specific thiol reactant that inhibits respiration. OSHOTHANE can be used for the control of fungal diseases such as blight, leaf spot, downy mildew, scab, etc., in field crops, fruit, nuts, vegetables, ornamentals, etc. It is especially effective in the control of early and late blights of potatoes and tomatoes, gray & Septoria leaf spot diseases on vegetables, roses, carnations, asparagus, and beans.
KSh 315.00 – KSh 1,820.00Oshothane 80 WP Fungicide
KSh 315.00 – KSh 1,820.00 -
Coragen 20 SC is a?new generation insecticide?used for the?control of larvae?of various Lepidopteran and Coleopteran species. Coragen 20 SC controls insect oviposition and kills the eggs of some insect species.Coragen? 20 SC insecticide is a well-proven preparation against moths and gnawing pests in corn, apples, potatoes and grapes. The appearance of corn borer and cotton sturgeon owl moth is monitored by a nationwide network of traps, and the Arc? farm intelligence application is available to maize growers to monitor them. FMC-Agro also provides subscribed apple growing partners with prediction information based on the Biofix method for effective control.The composition is contact, absorbable and stomach poison. It has a real egg-killing effect, in addition, it is effective against all forms of development of already hatched larvae. From the treated eggs and eggs, the larva is not able to hatch, at the moment of hatching, the larvae in contact with the active substance die after a few hours. Symptoms: paralysis, inhibition of nutrition, complete destruction. Paralysis and inhibition of nutrition occur a few hours after treatment, complete destruction occurs 2-4 days after treatment.
KSh 1,400.00 – KSh 7,840.00Fmcl CORAGEN 20SC INSECTICIDE
KSh 1,400.00 – KSh 7,840.00 -
Kenagro B Safi 180ec Herbicide
A?Selective?Post Emergence herbicide for control Broad Leaved Weedds and Grasses in Beans.
KSh 630.00 – KSh 2,310.00Kenagro B Safi 180ec Herbicide
KSh 630.00 – KSh 2,310.00 -
SIMLAW SEEDS Tomato crown f1 seeds
Simlaw Seeds is 100% committed to selling superior and reliable seeds.?F2 hybrids are the offspring of a F1 hybrid variety, pollinated by hand or natural means?they are the result of seeds saved from an F1 plant. Plants grown from F2 hybrid seeds are usually less vigorous and productive compared to F1 hybrids
KSh 9,100.00SIMLAW SEEDS Tomato crown f1 seeds
KSh 9,100.00 -
SeedCo Red thunder f1 chillie seeds
Maturity – 70-75 days after transplanting
? Vigour – vigorous and strong plant
? Habit – Erect 80- 90cm
? Leaf – good foliage cover FRUIT
? Colour – medium green to deep red
? Shape – cylindrical straight pointed fruits
? Size – W 0.9-1.0 cm X L 8-10cm
? Walls – medium thick flesh
? Skin – Smooth and shiny
KSh 3,850.00 – KSh 7,000.00SeedCo Red thunder f1 chillie seeds
KSh 3,850.00 – KSh 7,000.00 -
Merrychem Hygienic 7.5% SC
A public health insecticide for the control of bedbugs, Cockroaches, fleas, Houseflies and ants.
KSh 420.00Merrychem Hygienic 7.5% SC
KSh 420.00 -
Maize Tosheka MH 401 seeds
Maize, also known as corn in North American and Australian English, is a tall stout grass that produces cereal grain. It was domesticated by indigenous peoples in southern Mexico about 9,000 years ago from wild teosinte. Native Americans planted it alongside beans and squashes in the Three Sisters polyculture.
KSh 1,260.00Maize Tosheka MH 401 seeds
KSh 1,260.00 -
Agro pest Tingatinga suspension concentrate
Selective pre-emergence and early post-emergence herbicide for control of annual grasses and broad-leaved weeds in baby corn(maize).
KSh 1,470.00 – KSh 2,555.00Agro pest Tingatinga suspension concentrate
KSh 1,470.00 – KSh 2,555.00