Kenagro Verdant 80SE
Selective post emergence herbicide for control of broad leaf weedss in sorghum, lawn, maize and millet.
KSh 910.00Kenagro Verdant 80SE
KSh 910.00 -
Advanta Hybrid grain sorghurm seeds
Advanta offers a full line of grain sorghum hybrids, with seed treatment options to meet your needs. Providing high-quality grain sorghum seed has long been our core business ? and that commitment is stronger now than ever. Advanta is the leading supplier of grain sorghum genetics around the world. No other company has devoted as many resources to the development of elite sorghum germplasm.
KSh 910.00Advanta Hybrid grain sorghurm seeds
KSh 910.00 -
Rainbow Capture 247 SC insecticide
Capture 247SC is broad spectrum systemic insecticide for control of Aphids, Whiteflies and thrips on Roses, Capsicum, French beans, Onions and tomatoes, Diamond back moth and aphids on cabbages and Aphids, thrips and caterpillars on broccoli.
KSh 910.00Rainbow Capture 247 SC insecticide
KSh 910.00 -
Algreen Magical N-8%+Ca-18%, Mg-3%,Bo-1% +STIMULANTS Category: Algreens ? Packaging: Bottle ? ? ? ? ?MAGICAL has been formulated using the?GEL TECHNOLOGY
What is Gel Technology ?
- A unique world class formulation
- Controlled nutrients release
- Homogeneous solution
- Quick uptake and absorption
- Good stability and storability
- Participates in metabolic processes of other nutrients uptake
- Promotes proper plant cell elongation
- Strengthen cell wall structure
- Participates in enzymatic and hormonal processes
- Helps in protecting the plant against heat stress
- Helps in Protecting the plant against diseases
- Improves fruit quality
- Chlorophyll formation
- Synthesis of amino acids and cell proteins
- Uptake and migration of Phosphorus in plants .
- Vitamin A and C concentrations
- Resistance to unfavourable factors (drought, disease)
Application Rates:
Qty/20lt Qty/HA Fruits: water Melon,Coffee,Mangoes,Tree Tomatoes,Passion, Avocado, Citrus
30ml 1ltr Vegetables: French Beans,Peas, Kales, Cabbages, Tomatoes, Chillies, Herbs, Potatoes
30ml 1lt Cereals: Wheat, Maize, Barley,Rice
50ml 2ltr Ornamentals 50ml 2ltr KSh 280.00 – KSh 910.00Algreen MAGICAL
KSh 280.00 – KSh 910.00 -
Dryland Collection Green gram N26 seeds(Ndengu/Pojo/Dengu
N26 is recommended for cultivation in both semi-arid and well-watered areas of between 50-1600m above sea level.
It is suited to well- drained sandy loams and because of its earliness it has proved more successful in the drier areas of lower Machakos, Kitui, Mwingi, Tharakanithi, Mbeere and Makueni districts.
At elevations of more than 1800m above sea level, it has very poor pod set.
KSh 910.00 -
Black Earth 85 WSG
BLACKEARTH?80WSG is a water Soluble Soil Amendment and Blend Composition:?Humic?acid (dry basis): 85%?Soluble?K (K2O dry basis): 11%+ Trace?Elements?>5%, Fe: 1%,?Moisture: 13.2% , pH(in 1% soln.): 8-9 that reduces nutrient lock-up and loss through leaching, stabilize Nitrogen especially Ammonium nitrogen prolonging its availability by 60-90 days within the soil / Improves soil aeration /Increases ability of the soil to hold nutrients and water / Stimulates growth of beneficial fungi especially in soils low in organic matter / Improves the soil structure and circulation of water and air around the plant roots
KSh 525.00 – KSh 910.00Black Earth 85 WSG
KSh 525.00 – KSh 910.00 -
Heavily savoyed leaves?with a superb dark green colour and contrasting ivory stems that make an excellent alternative to spinach. The flavoursome leaves are thick and tender, making an appealing steamed vegetable or a colourful addition to stir fries. Swiss Chard ‘Fordhook Giant’ is a well established variety ffrom the 1920?s and remains popular today. Both the stalks and leaves are edible, making for delicious salads and quiche. It also goes well frozen or steamed with butter. As the name suggests, this monster Swiss Chard grows up 60cm (24″) tall, making an impressive display on the vegetable plot, or even in your flower borders! Height: 60cm (24″). Spread: 50cm (20″)Chard type spinach with white spines and dark green leaves.Plant group ? Chards, BeetrootSeasonal ? February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, DecemberUses ? Salad, VegetableOrigin ? International Heirloom, Traditional South African
KSh 245.00 – KSh 910.00 -
Royal seedPea italian wonder (minji)
An excellent variety well adapted to all Pea growing zones
KSh 840.00 -
AMIRAN Polyfeed NPK 19:19:19
Foliar fertilizer for every stage of your crop. Supplies Nitrogen, Phosphorus,Potassium, Magnesium and micronutrients
KSh 840.00 -
SIMLAW SEEDS Cowpeas seeds ken kunde 1 (kk1)
Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata)
Local names in Kenya (Kunde, Alot bo, Likhubi)
Cowpea is an annual herbaceous legume and a dual-purpose security crop grown for its seeds which is high in protein and immature leaves and seeds can also be consumed. The seeds are usually cooked and made in stew and curries or grounded into flour or paste. It belongs to the bean family and is one of the oldest crops to be farmed. Their growth habit is climbing, spreading or erect. Cowpeas are mainly important in the marginal rainfall areas because they are well adapted to dry climate and suitable for a variety of intercropping systems. The crop exhibits much variation in growth habit, leaf shape, flower color and seed size and color. The plant root nodule is able to fix atmospheric Nitrogen making it a valuable crop for resource poor farmers.
KSh 840.00 -
Chia seeds (salvia hispanica)
Chia seeds (Salvia hispanica), also called Salba chia or Mexican chia, are the edible seeds of a flowering plant from the mint family. Native to Mexico and Guatemala, the seeds have a long history. They were a vital crop in ancient Aztec and Mesoamerican cultures. The seeds had medicinal applications and made up an important part of the peoples? diets.
KSh 840.00 -
Greenlife Goldchance compound npk 19-19
Goldchance COMPOUND? is a fully water soluble NPK fertilizer designed for growing stages in a wide range of agricultural crops including vegetables, fruits, ornamentals and lawns.
KSh 490.00 – KSh 840.00