Big rock f1 tomato seeds
Plant Vigour Vigorous Maturity Very Early in 65 days after planting Fruit Wt 140 -160 G Fruit Shape Oval & very firm- Keeps well upto 15 days after harvest Fruit firmness Very Good Disease Tolerance Leaf Curl Virus and Root Knot Nematode KSh 4,200.00 – KSh 9,100.00Big rock f1 tomato seeds
KSh 4,200.00 – KSh 9,100.00 -
SIMLAW SEEDS Jews Mallow Mrenda/murere Seeds
Jute mallow or Nalita jute is a species of shrub in the family Malvaceae. Together with C. capsularis it is the primary source of jute fiber. The leaves and young fruits are used as a vegetable, the dried leaves are used for tea and as a soup thickener, and the seeds are edible
KSh 280.00 – KSh 630.00SIMLAW SEEDS Jews Mallow Mrenda/murere Seeds
KSh 280.00 – KSh 630.00 -
Seminis Hybrid tomato eden f1 seeds
Bears Deep red blocky oval fruit with thick skin weighing on average 150g per fruit. The fruits have a shelf life of 21 days when harvested at color break fruit stage.
KSh 2,912.00Seminis Hybrid tomato eden f1 seeds
KSh 2,912.00 -
Mossi Chips?are excellent Mosquito Mats designed to be used in living areas and bedrooms to kill all mosquitoes. Use with an?electric heater unit.Plug in and leave on through the night for 8-10 hours protection. Simply replace with a new MOSSI CHIP each night. Mosquito chips are considered inert. No explosion hazard.Human health hazards: Skin contact may cause transitory dysesthesia and if swallowed may cause lung damage.Safety hazards: Combustible but not volatile.Inhalation: In the event of direct inhalation of smoke, remove the affected person from the place of exposure to a well ventilated area. In case of respiratory symptoms provide oxygen.?Ingestion: Wash out mouth with water and seek medical help immediately. Take activated charcoal.Skin: Flush contaminated skin with soap and water. Remove contaminated clothing and soak in water. Launder before re-use.Eyes: Flush with copious quantities of water. If irritation persists, seek medical attention.
KSh 1,400.00 -
Continental ASPARAGUS UC72
UC72 Asparagus?is a Mary Washington variety that produces heavy yields of dark green spears that are usually?larger?than Mary Washington.?It is tolerant to fusarium wilt and rust. it is also more heat and drought resistant than other varieties of asparagus.?Asparagus is best adapted to sandy soils in moderate climates. For?best?production, plants prefer a deeply dug, well-prepared bed, with lots of organic matter. Beds should be kept moist but not wet when spears are producing. Keep well gardened, as the above pressure will lower yields. Plants usually take 2 to 3 years to come to full production but can bear for?10 to 15 years.?Germination rate is 95% better than other brands.?This is an extremely easy perennial plant to raise cheaply from seed if you have a little patience which will reward you with prolific crops for many years with little effort.
KSh 350.00Continental ASPARAGUS UC72
KSh 350.00 -
EM1 effective micro organisms
EM ? 1? is?a mixture of beneficial microorganisms. The preparation consists of both aerobic and anaerobic species which initiate an anaerobic fermentation process that utilizes and produces vital nutrients that make soil and soil more fertile.
KSh 735.00EM1 effective micro organisms
KSh 735.00 -
Great Lakes Mesa 659?is a variety of dark green crisp lettuce with well-folded leaves with cut edges and tight apple like headed cabbage. It is stronger, larger and more uniform than other varieties of Great Lakes with excellent flavor. This variety is slow to go to seed and is resistant to heat and tip burn. The relative maturity of Great Lakes Mesa 659 is 83 to 90 days. It is tip-burn resistant, produces medium-large, solid heads, and does best in warmer weather. It is bolt resistant (very slow to go to seed), and does well in most parts of the Country.
KSh 315.00 -
Dhania?or Coriander Multicut variety is an erect plant with multiple side shoots that give excellent bunches for making it profitable in the market.After planting dhania, it matures?30-35 days?and grows up to 15-20cm in length. Under good farming practices, the harvest averages?4-6 tons.?After a successful harvest, the strain presents attractive glossy dark green leaves.Coriander Multicut shows strong resistance to bacterial leaf blight. Coriander is considered as a great digestive. These are also enriched with anti-inflammatory properties. Coriander seeds are also called dhania in India. The seeds are oval and plump. The seeds are a?maximum of 5mm?in size. Coriander seeds are considered as great digestives. These are also enriched with anti-inflammatory properties. This variation regrows once cut hence the name multicut coriander.
KSh 280.00 – KSh 700.00Continental CORIANDER MULTICUT (DHANIA)
KSh 280.00 – KSh 700.00 -
Syngenta Apron star 42 WS
APRON STAR is a seed treatment fungicide-insecticide mixture for controlling downy mildew, damping-off diseases as well as for protection of seeds and seedlings against early season insect pests and soil borne diseases in ?beans, sorghum, maize, cotton and vegetables.
KSh 525.00Syngenta Apron star 42 WS
KSh 525.00 -
Onion red Creole seeds (royal seeds)
Produces medium sized bulbs with excellent keeping quality.
KSh 315.00 – KSh 4,200.00Onion red Creole seeds (royal seeds)
KSh 315.00 – KSh 4,200.00 -
Kenagro 2,4D MAX 72 HERBICIDE
2,4D-Max 72?(2, 4 D Amine salt 720g/L) is a selective post emergence herbicide for control of broad leaf weeds in Maize, Wheat, Rice and Lawns. Should be applied 2-4 days afterplanting or any time after 2 leaf stage and before the crop attains 30cm height. Rice: Apply about 4-7 weeks after germination or 3 weeks after transplanting. Wheat: Applyat 5-6 leaf stage but before piping. Lawns: Once the grass is well grown, apply any time the broadleaf weeds are noticed.Application Dose: 1.5-2ltr/ha/150L – 200l of water, 150ml-200ml/20L
KSh 1,400.00Kenagro 2,4D MAX 72 HERBICIDE
KSh 1,400.00 -
An?insecticide?for the control of white flies, aphids and thrips on roses, tomatoes, broccoli and french beans.The main ingredient is ACETAMIPRID 700G/KG. the application dose should be 100g/ha/1000l of water, 2.5g/20L. The?reentry period?as a geneal rule,treated areas should not be entered before spray deposits on plant surfaces have dried unless if wearing protective clothing. its safe to reenter areas treated with ACETAK after 6 hours. Wear protective googles and gloves when handling this chemical. Wash off immediately in case accidental splashes of the product. Do not smoke drink or eat when handling the chemical. After work carefully clean the handling spraying equipment. Remove the contaminated clothes, gloves and wash them before re-use.
KSh 280.00 – KSh 595.00Kenagro ACETAK TOP 700WG INSECTICIDE
KSh 280.00 – KSh 595.00