Super malper dust
It is a broad spectrum insecticidal dust for the control of stored maize and small grain cereals pests, including control of Larger Grain Borer.
KSh 455.00Super malper dust
KSh 455.00 -
Kenagro Golden leaf insecticide
GOLDEN LEAF is a wetter, sticker and translaminar product based on organosilicone.
KSh 315.00 – KSh 455.00Kenagro Golden leaf insecticide
KSh 315.00 – KSh 455.00 -
Cauliflower white fortress f1 seeds
A premium cauliflower ideal for fresh market
KSh 455.00Cauliflower white fortress f1 seeds
KSh 455.00 -
Dermaesthetics New Pal Dog Shampoo Medicated
Dog shampoo cleanse the skin and coat while maintaining the pH. They also lather easily, have a good fragrance and maintain the moisture on a do dog’s skin.Maintaining the moisture level is important as lack of it can cause dry skin and dandruff.
If your dog has fleas, then you have fleas and you don’t want fleas. New Pal Dog Shampoo eradicates fleas on contact [and flea eggs, to prevent your problem from coming back] . For a longer time after your wash, your dog will be protected from flea infestation. Plus, it also protects again ticks and lice- a must-have shampoo if your dog spends a lot of time in the great outdoors.KSh 455.00Dermaesthetics New Pal Dog Shampoo Medicated
KSh 455.00 -
TWIN LUCK 2 Cockroach Insecticide Chalk 15gm
Twin Luck?insecticide chalk is used in the Public Health for control of Cockroaches and Ants. Target Pest The insecticide chalk can effectively get rid of cockroaches and ants. Active Ingredients The insecticide chalk contains Deltamethrin 7.5 g/Kg as its active ingredients. For Use In In and around structures including but not limited to residential, multi-family, commercial, industrial, municipal, institutional, recreational, health care, educational, daycare, hospitality, and agricultural buildings and other man-made structures, garages, transport vehicles, sewers, animal rearing, and handling establishments and food handling and food processing establishments
KSh 420.00TWIN LUCK 2 Cockroach Insecticide Chalk 15gm
KSh 420.00 -
Merrychem Hygienic 7.5% SC
A public health insecticide for the control of bedbugs, Cockroaches, fleas, Houseflies and ants.
KSh 420.00Merrychem Hygienic 7.5% SC
KSh 420.00 -
Natural?botanical oils and extracts blended in a deep moisturising skin lotion to effectively and quickly repel mosquitos for longer lasting proctection whilst conditioning rough dry skin to a softer smoother feel. Cocoa butter and vitamin E nourish skin cells to give a healthy complexion.Provide fas sting relief when applied on mosquito or insect bites.Free from harmful effects of synthetic insecticides.
Paraben FREE. Safe for children and babies too.TO USE: Apply generously all over the body, ensuring body is free from excessive odour of perspiration or perfumes. Repeat application if necessary. Effective for up to eight hours
KSh 385.00 -
Easeed Beetroot detroit dark red seeds
Detroit Dark Red Beet Seeds?take roughly 60 days to reach maturity. This organic variety is renowned for its nutrition-packed roots and short 60-day growth cycle. Perfect for preserving or pickling, Detroit Dark Red Beets can help you get the necessary vitamins and minerals.
KSh 385.00Easeed Beetroot detroit dark red seeds
KSh 385.00 -
Continental seeds red mantle FCS onion seeds
- A superior high selection short day red onion with wide adaptability to tropical and sub-tropical growing regions.
- Variety popular for its strong pungency, good curing and ability to withstand harsh growing conditions.
- The bulbs are able to store for over six months if well cured.
KSh 364.00Continental seeds red mantle FCS onion seeds
KSh 364.00 -
EA Seeds Cabbage copenhagen market seeds
This early Cabbage variety holds up longer without splitting than any other variety! Great size, great flavour, and great for the home garden! Matures in 65-100 days.
KSh 210.00 – KSh 350.00 -
Kenagro Faida SC Fertigation And Foliar Fertilizer
Faida SC is a readily Water Soluble Fertilizer for use in all crops. It has chelated Micro-elements & Bio-stimulants for Foliar Feeding and Fertigation.
KSh 350.00 -
Whether you are facing a cockroach, mite, flea, or ants problem, Stop! Vermin Powder will successfully control and exterminate the infestation. It is easy to apply and requires no special training. Stop! Vermin Powder is particularly effective when applied directly on the infested surfaces like floors and walls, cracks, and crevices. It adheres quickly to the insects? body and damages its exoskeleton, exposing it to deadly dehydration. In addition, its active ingredient cyphenothrin 0.5% acts fast by disrupting the activities in the insects? nervous system. Stop! Vermin Powder guarantees the nil survival of the insects on all treated surfaces. Stop vermin powder is an effective insecticide against a broad range of pests including, safari ants, roaches, fleas, and mites. It works by disrupting the transmission of nerve impulses in the insects? nervous system and causing its eventual death through repetitive discharges.
KSh 280.00 – KSh 350.00