• Advanta Swisschard fordhook giant spinach

    Swiss chard should be a staple of any vegetable garden. Nutritious and tasty, it comes in a range of vibrant colors that make it worth growing even if you don?t plan on eating it. It?s also a cold weather biennial, which means it can be started early in the spring and counted on not to bolt (usually) in the heat of summer. Keep reading to learn more about Swiss chard seed care and when to sow Swiss chard seeds.

    KSh 280.00KSh 770.00

    Advanta Swisschard fordhook giant spinach

    KSh 280.00KSh 770.00
  • Twiga Milthane super fungicide

    Milthane Super is a broad-spectrum fungicide for the control of a wide range of diseases in vegetables, fruit crops and ornamentals
    It is a contact fungicide with protectant action, applied before the disease sets in. Through coverage of folliage is necessary for good results. Milthane Super forms a slight film on the surface of he plant and gradually releases several degerdation compounds. Milthane Super is active against spore germination.

    A broad-spectrum fungicide is recommended for control of diseases in fruits, field crops, vegetables and ornamentals.

    KSh 280.00KSh 2,170.00

    Twiga Milthane super fungicide

    KSh 280.00KSh 2,170.00
  • Algreen MAGICAL

    Algreen Magical N-8%+Ca-18%, Mg-3%,Bo-1% +STIMULANTS Category: Algreens ? Packaging: Bottle ? ? ? ? ?MAGICAL has been formulated using the?GEL TECHNOLOGY

    What is Gel Technology ?

    • A unique world class formulation
    • Controlled nutrients release
    • Homogeneous solution
    • Quick uptake and absorption
    • Good stability and storability

    Why MAGICAL?


    • Participates in metabolic processes of other nutrients uptake
    • Promotes proper plant cell elongation
    • Strengthen cell wall structure
    • Participates in enzymatic and hormonal processes
    • Helps in protecting the plant against heat stress
    • Helps in Protecting the plant against diseases
    • Improves fruit quality


    • Chlorophyll formation
    • Synthesis of amino acids and cell proteins
    • Uptake and migration of Phosphorus in plants .
    • Vitamin A and C concentrations
    • Resistance to unfavourable factors (drought, disease)

    Application Rates:


    Qty/20lt Qty/HA

    water Melon,Coffee,Mangoes,Tree Tomatoes,Passion, Avocado, Citrus

    30ml 1ltr

    French Beans,Peas, Kales, Cabbages, Tomatoes, Chillies, Herbs, Potatoes

    30ml 1lt

    Wheat, Maize, Barley,Rice

    50ml 2ltr
    Ornamentals 50ml 2ltr


    KSh 280.00KSh 910.00

    Algreen MAGICAL

    KSh 280.00KSh 910.00

    Whether you are facing a cockroach, mite, flea, or ants problem, Stop! Vermin Powder will successfully control and exterminate the infestation. It is easy to apply and requires no special training. Stop! Vermin Powder is particularly effective when applied directly on the infested surfaces like floors and walls, cracks, and crevices. It adheres quickly to the insects? body and damages its exoskeleton, exposing it to deadly dehydration. In addition, its active ingredient cyphenothrin 0.5% acts fast by disrupting the activities in the insects? nervous system. Stop! Vermin Powder guarantees the nil survival of the insects on all treated surfaces. Stop vermin powder is an effective insecticide against a broad range of pests including, safari ants, roaches, fleas, and mites. It works by disrupting the transmission of nerve impulses in the insects? nervous system and causing its eventual death through repetitive discharges.

    KSh 280.00KSh 350.00


    KSh 280.00KSh 350.00
  • Dithane M-45 fungicide

    Dithane is broad spectrum fungicide and controls many fungal diseases in field crops, fruits and vegetables etc. Trusted brand with very fine particle size which gives better solubility and spread on the leaf surface providing better disease protection.

    KSh 280.00KSh 560.00

    Dithane M-45 fungicide

    KSh 280.00KSh 560.00

    Nitrobenzene for healthy plant growth, flowering and fruiting. Plant energizer and yield booster Boom flower is a new generation fertilizer containing nitrogen in aromatic form Boom flower is a highly available Nitrogen form and the unique formulation that enhances balanced crop growth, leading to strong root systems and healthy root to shoot ratio. Boom flower enhances flowering which can lead to greater fruit set and in many cases high resulting yield. Boom flower reduces flower bud, flower and fruit shedding. Boom flower decomposes rapidly and is safe to environment. BENEFITS ?Boom flower is quickly absorbed into the plants ? influences the Bio chemical pathway of the plants to uptake more nutrients from the soil. ? induces profuse flowering and helps in retention of the flowers and fruits. ? Improves the organoleptic factors and the keeping quality of the produce. ? Increases the harvestable yield.

    KSh 280.00KSh 1,190.00

    Great Lakes Mesa 659?is a variety of dark green crisp lettuce with well-folded leaves with cut edges and tight apple like headed cabbage. It is stronger, larger and more uniform than other varieties of Great Lakes with excellent flavor. This variety is slow to go to seed and is resistant to heat and tip burn. The relative maturity of Great Lakes Mesa 659 is 83 to 90 days. It is tip-burn resistant, produces medium-large, solid heads, and does best in warmer weather. It is bolt resistant (very slow to go to seed), and does well in most parts of the Country.

  • Onion red Creole seeds (royal seeds)

    Produces medium sized bulbs with excellent keeping quality.

    KSh 315.00KSh 4,200.00

    Onion red Creole seeds (royal seeds)

    KSh 315.00KSh 4,200.00

    Great Lakes Mesa 659?is a variety of dark green crisp lettuce with well-folded leaves with cut edges and tight apple like headed cabbage. It is stronger, larger and more uniform than other varieties of Great Lakes with excellent flavor. This variety is slow to go to seed and is resistant to heat and tip burn. The relative maturity of Great Lakes Mesa 659 is 83 to 90 days. It is tip-burn resistant, produces medium-large, solid heads, and does best in warmer weather. It is bolt resistant (very slow to go to seed), and does well in most parts of the Country.


    French Bean Moonstone has an excellent?plant habit and pod uniformity. The pods average 13-15 mm in length and 6-8 mm in diameter. In addition, the pods are uniformly dark green.The French Bean Moonstone? has a medium-sized erect bush and matures 55 days after transplanting. Its potential?yield is high?under good farming practices and has a good shelf life.The plant has shown strong vegetative resistance to Rust, Bea Common Mosaic, and PsP.French beans are high-yielding and can be very profitable depending on the area of cultivation (hillside or lowland) and soil type (clay, sandy clay loam, red soils).
    Scientifically known as Phaseolus vulgaris, french beans are generally grown in regions with well-drained soils and rainfall ranging from 900mm to 1200mm per annum. On the other hand, french beans thrive well in dry areas under irrigation.

    KSh 315.00KSh 1,260.00


    KSh 315.00KSh 1,260.00
  • Kenagro Iclipse 100cs

    I-Clipse 100CS is a highly efficient insecticide used for indoor residual spraying to control common household pests, including roaches, houseflies, and mosquitoes.Active IngredientLambda-cyhalothrin 100g/l
    Mode of ActionLambda-cyhalothrin is effective through contact and ingestion action. It kills insects rapidly by disrupting and poisoning the insects? central nervous system. Upon poisoning, the nerve cells in the insect?s body become hyperexcited, translating to paralysis and ultimate death.
    Application Rate?Measure 15ml and dilute it in 1L of water.Measure 75mlml and dilute it in 5-10Ltrs of water.
    Iclipse is a liquid formulation that is simple to prepare, apply and rinse out.Has a minimal odor when applied.Does not stain surfaces after application.It is availed as a unit dose (pump charge) to enhance correct dosingIt is light for easy storage and transportation.
    Target Pests

    • Roaches
    • Mosquitoes
    • Houseflies
    KSh 315.00KSh 1,120.00

    Kenagro Iclipse 100cs

    KSh 315.00KSh 1,120.00
  • Vetagro boric acid

    Boric acid is helpful in control of a wide variety of insects including cockroaches, spiders, mites, molds and fungi.

    KSh 315.00KSh 700.00

    Vetagro boric acid

    KSh 315.00KSh 700.00

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