Brooder thermometer
Tool used to measure temperature of the baby chicks or brooding hens
KSh 840.00Brooder thermometer
KSh 840.00 -
Burst Fresh Floral Scent Dog Cologne – Body Spray For Dogs
Fresh?burst?cologne gives the pet a pleasant, long lasting scent and helps control body odor in between baths.Keep your pet smelling fresh and clean in between baths. It’s gentle enough to use as often as needed. It won’t dry out skin and coat.
Direction/How to use:hold the spray bottle about 6-8 inches from the pet. Spray Lightly from head to tail using short bursts
Snuggles and cuddles from your furry friend never smelled so good! A quick Burst of our pet cologne gets rid of offensive odor without being overpowering. Don?t have time for a bath? Our pet fragrance spray instantly controls stinky, smelly pet odors caused by being wet and outside in the yard or playing with other pets. Use every few days as a part of a complete grooming routine to maintain a pleasing pet smell in between baths.KSh 910.00 -
Cabbage ruby queen f1 hybrid seeds
Ruby Queen is a medium maturing hybrid. Vigorous plants produce heads that are round and bright purplish-red. Plants are upright with intermediate resistance to Black Rot. Very good tolerance to both heat and cold. Recommended harvest is fall to winter.
KSh 2,205.00Cabbage ruby queen f1 hybrid seeds
KSh 2,205.00 -
Calf hoof trimmer heavy duty
Used to cleanly trim foot rot off the affected areas of the hoof of the animal
KSh 3,220.00 -
Calmabor gold suspension fertilizer
Calmabor Gold is?a highly soluble calcium magnesium solution with fully chelated trace elements. The trace elements are Citric Acid Chelated hence environmentally friendly and is compatible with most commonly used pesticides
KSh 735.00 – KSh 1,274.00Calmabor gold suspension fertilizer
KSh 735.00 – KSh 1,274.00 -
Carnon 700 WDG insecticide (mutuchem)
Insecticide for control of thrips and whitefly on roses and cucumber.
KSh 728.00Carnon 700 WDG insecticide (mutuchem)
KSh 728.00 -
Cauliflower white fortress f1 seeds
A premium cauliflower ideal for fresh market
KSh 455.00Cauliflower white fortress f1 seeds
KSh 455.00 -
Chapa meli DAP 18:46:0 fertilizer
A high grade fertilizer that is used for planting.
KSh 1,540.00 -
Chia seeds (salvia hispanica)
Chia seeds (Salvia hispanica), also called Salba chia or Mexican chia, are the edible seeds of a flowering plant from the mint family. Native to Mexico and Guatemala, the seeds have a long history. They were a vital crop in ancient Aztec and Mesoamerican cultures. The seeds had medicinal applications and made up an important part of the peoples? diets.
KSh 840.00 -
Chicken double nipples
Medilink Vet Supplies is proud to offer a fantastic range of high-quality poultry drinkers that are designed to meet all your chicken?s water needs. You need to have about 3? of open waterer space per hen as a minimum and 1 nipple per 9 hens, again as a minimum. The advantage of a nipple system is that it is quite resistant to bacterial growth, unlike the septic soup that most open waterers quickly become.
KSh 280.00 -
Chinese cabbage green rocket f1 seeds (Syova)
Tall cylindrical heads of bright green. Ready just 70 days after transplanting. Sow late summer for autumn and early winter harvest. Early sowings can be made under glass at a temperature of 20-25C (68-77F). Sow the seed at a depth of 13mm (?”) in trays or modules of free-draining seed sowing compost and then lightly cover the seed with a layer of vermiculite or sieved compost. Later sowings can be sown direct outdoors into a well prepared seedbed. Sow at a depth of 13mm (?”) and distance of 30cm (12″) between rows.
KSh 1,120.00Chinese cabbage green rocket f1 seeds (Syova)
KSh 1,120.00