Chicken double nipples
Medilink Vet Supplies is proud to offer a fantastic range of high-quality poultry drinkers that are designed to meet all your chicken?s water needs. You need to have about 3? of open waterer space per hen as a minimum and 1 nipple per 9 hens, again as a minimum. The advantage of a nipple system is that it is quite resistant to bacterial growth, unlike the septic soup that most open waterers quickly become.
KSh 280.00 -
Twiga Agral 90 non ionic wetting and spreader agent
Agral 90 is a non-ionic liquid, wetting and spreading agent which can be mixed with any spray without affecting its chemical properties. It aids the wetting of waxy leaf surfaces, insects and fungi and by spreading the spray more evenly over the leaf surface and hence improving the efficacy of the spray.
KSh 2,275.00Twiga Agral 90 non ionic wetting and spreader agent
KSh 2,275.00 -
Foliboost foliar fertilizer
Foliboost :Liquid formula designed for foliarapplication. Boron & Zinc chelated with organic matter & Combined with Amino Acids. Designed with rapid absorption & penetration features, leading to quick results. FoliBoost will prevent and cure all boron & Zinc deficiencies.
KSh 2,450.00 -
Murex K
Murex K is a foliar feed composed of NPK 10:20:40 + Trace elements. It is used to correct deficiencies in Potassium in coffee, cereals, vegetables, tomatoes, roses, strawberries and ornamental.
KSh 315.00 – KSh 1,960.00 -
Kalach 480 SL herbicide
Non selective systematic herbicide for the control of grasses, sedges, and broad leafed weedss in crops
KSh 980.00 – KSh 1,400.00 -
Kenagro Benocarb 100SC insecticide
Insecticide for control of Tuta absoluta in Tomatoes, Diamond Back Moth (DBM) in Broccoli, False Codling Moth (FCM) in Capsicum & Caterpillars in Roses.
KSh 245.00 – KSh 1,050.00 -
Mende sharpshooter 0.5GB
Fipronil 0.5g/Kg
A ready to use Insecticide ?Gel tube used to kill all species of cockroaches -German, Oriental and American cockroach found harboring and breeding in food areas.KSh 700.00 -
Sygenta Quadris 50 WG Fungicide
QUADRIS 50 WG is a systemic fungicide for the control of Coffee Berry Disease (CBD) and Coffee Leaf Rust.
Per 20l Knapsack – 4gmPer Acre – 200gm
Per Hectare – 400gm
PHI (Days) – n/a
KSh 560.00 -
Green miracle antitranspirant
Green Miracle is an a non-toxic, reflectant type of antitranspirant and surfactant. It is based on long chain fatty alcohol group C8 to C18; and is fortified with a balanced combination of amino acids, peptides and low molecular weight Oligopeptides
KSh 1,050.00 -
Calf hoof trimmer heavy duty
Used to cleanly trim foot rot off the affected areas of the hoof of the animal
KSh 3,220.00