Amaranthus dubios?has a dual purpose for grains and vegetable production. The vegetables and seeds are highly nutritious with essential amino acid lysine essential for the body to absorb calcium, build muscle, and produce energy. The seeds can also be ground into flour, popped like popcorn or cooked into porridge. It is a vigorous, erect, annual plant with a branched stem, growing from 30 – 150cm tall.
Amaranthus is also Known as?Mchicha?in Kiswahili.
Approximate number of seeds per gram is 2000SIZE NUMBER OF SEEDS 10GM 20,000 25GM 50,000 50GM 100,000 100GM 200,000 KSh 210.00 – KSh 840.00SIMLAW SEEDS AMARANTHUS DUBOIS
KSh 210.00 – KSh 840.00 -
Fennel seeds -?Romanesco, Originally hailing from the Mediterranean Basin region, Romanesco fennel has large round bulbs weighing between?500g and a massive 1kg, Florence heirloom variety with plump, oval bulbs, thick, tightly wrapped stems, and plenty of feathery leaveshas. It has a high bolting resistance and is best grown for late cropping.
A vegetable plant to grace any plot, an attractive vegetable with tall stems and feathery green foliage. Unlike the fennel in the herb section which is grown specifically for its leaves, the Florence Fennel is grown for the bulbous swollen plant base which can be used chopped raw in salads, braised as a vegetable or added to delicious winter casseroles. It has a mild aniseed taste and a texture similar to that of celery.
Many gardeners swear that this is the most attractive heirloom Florence fennel around, as well as one of the most succulent. The bulbs are large and can get up to 1kg, but don?t grow it for the bulbs alone! Use the leaves in salads, the stems in stir fries, and the seeds as a seasoning.KSh 210.00Easeed FENNEL ROMANESCO 10GM
KSh 210.00 -
Copper Sulphate
Copper sulphate is a blue crystalline powder with both astringent and fungicidal properties. it is commonly used in control of foot rot in sheep and goats. it is also useful in control of ringworm in all farm animals
KSh 210.00 – KSh 700.00Copper Sulphate
KSh 210.00 – KSh 700.00 -
Aesthetics Poultry dust
Effective against poultry soft ticks, feather mites, stick tight fleas and scaly leg mites.Has Malathion (FYFANON) 4% as its active ingredient. A product of Aesthetics Limited
KSh 210.00 – KSh 280.00 -
Aesthetics Milking Salve Crak
This helps in preventing the teats from cracking and chapping, and keeps the skin soft, pliable and healthy. For teat cracks, apply Atlantis Milking salve in a sufficient quantity to fill cracks and cover the surrounding area. Apply uniformly to the chapped area and bruises to maintain skin suppleness
KSh 210.00 -
EA Seeds Cabbage copenhagen market seeds
This early Cabbage variety holds up longer without splitting than any other variety! Great size, great flavour, and great for the home garden! Matures in 65-100 days.
KSh 210.00 – KSh 350.00 -
KSh 245.00 – KSh 770.00
Osho Easygro Vegetative Fertilizer
KSh 245.00 – KSh 770.00 -
Osho Easygro Flower&Fruit Fertilizer
Product details
Easygro Flower & Fruit:?Foliar Fertilizer?&?Fertigation???Composition: N.P.K 14:11:33 plus Trace Elements (S,Mg, Zn, Fe, Mn, Cu, B, Mo) Plus biostimulants ??Formulation: Soluble Crystals ? Easygro Flower & Fruit is a crystalline, Water-soluble fertilizer that is recommended for use during plant growth periods that require relatively high levels of potassium. it is ideal for the reproduction growth stage ofd crop? ? Easygro Flower & Fruit enhances formation fo flowers by plants, While ensuring their retention on the plants. Further, It improves the quality of produce such as fruits, while increasing its post harvest (Storage) life? and ability to withstand harsh transport conditions ??Compatibility:?easygro Flower and Fruit is compatible with most agricultural remedies. Avoid Lime sulphur, white oils and certain copper formulationsCROP Rate Interval Flowering and fruiting vegetables e.g. Tomatoes, french beans, peas, cucurbits, carrots,flowers, field crops: potatoes, Cereals (Wheat,barley), etc. 30-40g /20L water Apply as full cover spray at 1-2 weeks interval throughout the flowering and fruiting period tree crops e.g. (Citrus,Coffee,mangoes, Avocado), Cotton, etc. 30-40g /20L water Apply at 1-2 weeks interval?throughout the flowering and fruiting period Soil Drench 3-6kg/ha Apply into the soil and then leach with irrigation Fertigation 5-10kg/ha Use lower rates for Smaller plants.Increase the rates as the plant size increases KSh 245.00 – KSh 490.00Osho Easygro Flower&Fruit Fertilizer
KSh 245.00 – KSh 490.00 -
Heavily savoyed leaves?with a superb dark green colour and contrasting ivory stems that make an excellent alternative to spinach. The flavoursome leaves are thick and tender, making an appealing steamed vegetable or a colourful addition to stir fries. Swiss Chard ‘Fordhook Giant’ is a well established variety ffrom the 1920?s and remains popular today. Both the stalks and leaves are edible, making for delicious salads and quiche. It also goes well frozen or steamed with butter. As the name suggests, this monster Swiss Chard grows up 60cm (24″) tall, making an impressive display on the vegetable plot, or even in your flower borders! Height: 60cm (24″). Spread: 50cm (20″)Chard type spinach with white spines and dark green leaves.Plant group ? Chards, BeetrootSeasonal ? February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, DecemberUses ? Salad, VegetableOrigin ? International Heirloom, Traditional South African
KSh 245.00 – KSh 910.00 -
High Chem Chali dudu dust
Chali Dudu Dust is a public health insecticide for the control of cockroaches, ants and fleas.
Unique combination: Ideal for resistance management
Easy to apply: Applied directly by dusting infested areasnon technical.
KSh 245.00 – KSh 665.00High Chem Chali dudu dust
KSh 245.00 – KSh 665.00 -
Easeed Leek large american flag seeds
The Large American Flag leek is a non-bulbing leek variety that forms creamy stalks. This leek’15-18″ inch stalks are 3″ inches wide and are yummy! The Large American is widely adapted and the sweetest member of the onion family.
KSh 245.00 – KSh 1,260.00 -
Osho Plantone 45SL
Plantone 4.5 SL is a plant growth regulator that can be used on a wide range of crops. It induces flowering, prevents flower loss and prevents pre-harvest fruit loss.
KSh 245.00 – KSh 630.00