KSh 560.00
JK Lactometer For Checking Milk Purity
KSh 560.00 -
JOJEMI K energy liquid fertilizer
A water based liquid fertilizer with full NPK nutrition,
Highly concentrated NPK at 835g/L, 100% water soluble,
NPK exists in IONIC state for direct absorption by crops,
No soil pollution, no soil hardening, no soil acidi?cation!KSh 840.00 -
JOJEMI Ratabite pellets
Ratabite 0.05 Pellets?is a public health rodenticide for the control of rats in domestic environs. Rodenticides are?pesticides that kill rodents. Rodents include not only rats and mice, but also squirrels, woodchucks, chipmunks, porcupines, nutria, and beavers. Although rodents play important roles in nature, they may sometimes require control.
KSh 504.00JOJEMI Ratabite pellets
KSh 504.00 -
JUANCO Dominex 100EC insecticide
DOMINEX 100 EC is a veterinary insecticide/acaricide that is classified as a synthetic pyrethroid.it is composed of 100g/lt Alphacypermethrin as the active ingredient, this acts by inhibiting egg production of many resistant strains of ticks including the Blue tick and controls other biting and nuisance flies through its fast knockdown effect and long residual control making it for external use only. RATE AND METHOD OF APPLICATION: Dominex can be used in dips, spray races and hand spraying systems.
KSh 318.50 – KSh 525.00JUANCO Dominex 100EC insecticide
KSh 318.50 – KSh 525.00 -
JUANCO Dragnet insecticide
Dragnet is a modern formulation insecticide with special long-lasting qualities, soil stability and highly repellancy, making it suitable for the control ?of termites. ?It controls termites, ants, carpenter bees, beetles and old house borers.
KSh 6,370.00JUANCO Dragnet insecticide
KSh 6,370.00 -
FOSPHITE?53 ST is a systemic fungicide which is both curative and?preventive?and is ?based on mono and di-Potassium Phosphite specially generated in a controlled reactionide. Use of a wetter/spreader such as Natural Wet enhances its efficacy.
- RATE AND METHOD OF APPLICATION: The recommended rate of use is 5mls/lit of water for Blights and 3mls/lit for other diseases.
Lower rates (2mls/lit) are known to perform well under moderate and low infestations. - It is applied as foliar spray, drench, root dip or on soil broadcast.
The rate of use for in drip is 2mls/lit of water applied last in the day. Spray to wet and repeat every 28 days until the symptoms disappear.
KSh 2,240.00 – KSh 7,280.00JUANCO Fosphite 53SL FUNGICIDE
KSh 2,240.00 – KSh 7,280.00 - RATE AND METHOD OF APPLICATION: The recommended rate of use is 5mls/lit of water for Blights and 3mls/lit for other diseases.
JUANCO Marshal 250EC insecticide
MARSHAL contains carbosulfan as an active ingredient that acts by contact and stomach poisoning.it is also used as a drench through irrigation to control nematodes and other soil borne pests, at the same time ?control foliar pests through systemic action in the plant.
KSh 980.00 – KSh 5,950.00JUANCO Marshal 250EC insecticide
KSh 980.00 – KSh 5,950.00 -
JUANCO Phoscare FA
Phoscare? is an elite polyphosphoric acid-containing fertiliser designed to deliver highly available forms of P and K through soil and foliar applications. The Phosphorous source in Phoscare? is derived from phosphorous acid, unlike traditional phosphorous fertiliser technologies or phosphate fertilisers derived from phosphoric acid or its salts.
KSh 560.00 – KSh 1,750.00 -
A?water dispersible?granule containing a residual contact?pyrethroid?with a good residuality on most surfaces. A broad-spectrum, fast-acting insecticide for residual surface application.
Malaria-transmitting and nuisance mosquitoes, sand flies, flies, fleas and bed bugs.
Active Ingredients
Deltamethrin (pyrethroid) 250 g/kg
Residual action
The residual activity of K-Othrine WG 250 as per WHOPES is 3 ? 6 months. ? ? Application Rate
?Insects Conditions ?K-Othrine? WG 250 Water Application Rate CRAWLING INSECTS. Public Health Insects e.g. bed bugs, fleas, ants, cockroaches.Stored Product Insects Chronic infestations where re-invasion is likely and long residual control is necessary 5.0 g (10x Ezi-dose) 5 Litres 5 L/100 m2 CRAWLING INSECTS. Public Health Insects e.g. bed bugs, fleas, ants, cockroaches.Stored Product Insects ?Clean up treatment of isolated infestations 2.5 g (5x Ezi-dose) 5 Litres 5 L/100 m2 FLYING INSECTS. e.g. flies, mosquitoes and moths. 2.5 g (5x Ezi-dose) 5 Litres ? 5 L/100 m2 KSh 1,330.00K-OTHRINE WG 250 20GM
KSh 1,330.00 -
Kalach 480 SL herbicide
Non selective systematic herbicide for the control of grasses, sedges, and broad leafed weedss in crops
KSh 980.00 – KSh 1,400.00 -
Kazoo liquid
Orthocilicic based supplement. Kazoo is a unique liquid supplement formulation containing ortho silicic acid and is approved for use on a variety of crops, ornamentals, domestic plants to help the plantsto help the plants withstandthe environmental stresses to a large extent.
KSh 1,820.00 – KSh 2,520.00Kazoo liquid
KSh 1,820.00 – KSh 2,520.00 -
Keeper Garden 7 sprayer
Keeper Garden 7?is for use in the garden. It is lightweight, with excellent stability on the floor and decompression valve seeking a safe job.
KSh 4,410.00Keeper Garden 7 sprayer
KSh 4,410.00