Reward pouches for pets
A Good Dog Treat Pouch?Eliminates the Chaos
Keep those tasty tidbits readily accessible, rewarding good behavior instantly and solidifying their learning. Plus, a dedicated lined, easy-clean compartment means no more soggy kibble in your pockets, ruined liners growing mold or frustrated fumbling during walks.
KSh 2,240.00Reward pouches for pets
KSh 2,240.00 -
Rolltips Adhesive bandage (elastoplast)
An adhesive bandage, also called a sticking plaster, medical plaster, or simply plaster in British English, is a small medical dressing used for injuries not serious enough to require a full-size bandage. They are also known by the genericized trademarks of Band-Aid or Elastoplast. Cohesive bandages can also be washed, but only until the cohesion is lost at which point a new bandage should be applied.?An adhesive elastic bandage is usually made of a heavier material with an adhesive coating for maximum compression retention. Adhesive bandages cannot be reused or washed.
KSh 560.00Rolltips Adhesive bandage (elastoplast)
KSh 560.00 -
Romectin 1.8EC insecticide
ROMECTIN?is highly translaminar?insecticide?and has excellent performance on mites and leaf miners on flowers and vegetables. Romectin is primarily an ingestion toxicant with some contact action. It disrupts the nervous physiology of the pests by blocking nerve signal, quickly paralyzing the target pests thus stopping them from moving, feeding and damaging the crop further. Death follows within 3-4 days. The pest paralysis upon exposure gives immediate control despite the longer time taken to kill.
KSh 2,555.00Romectin 1.8EC insecticide
KSh 2,555.00 -
Crimson Globe is a variety that produces a?medium-sized,?round to flat?smooth bulbs?of beetroot. A high yielding variety suited for warm and cool season production. Roots are uniform with a slender, attractive taproot. Beetroot ?Crimson Globe? is a popular improved Detroit globe beetroot. It is a classic, main-crop globe beetroot which produces excellent quality, smooth-skinned globe beets with strong skin and ox-blood flesh color.?Most “seeds” are really capsules containing multiple seeds, so thinning to single plants is necessary. If thinned gradually, they can be enjoyed as greens. Keep soil moist.
- Has internal red colour and very light zoning in the fruit
- High sugar content of 57%, making it ideal for fresh juice
- Matures in 80 to 90 days
- Yields 12-23 MT/acre
- Sowing depth: 2cm
- Ideal conditions: Full sun in spring, summer and autumn
KSh 280.00 – KSh 490.00 -
This vegetable seed produces bunching-style spring onion with a mild flavor.?Bunching onion seeds require humidity, proper soil depth, temperature, and plenty of moisture to germinate right on time. You can plant about?3-5 seeds?in each hole and?cover lightly?with soil. Moist the soil fairly with water and place the containers over a heating pad maintained at around 15-20?C.
KSh 280.00 -
Cal-J is a tomato variety that produces high-quality and tasty tomatoes.Seed type: Open PollinatedEstimated days to full grown: 78 – 92 daysPlanting type: Loose tomato in open fieldDisease Tolerance: Verticillium albo-atrum & Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersiciSegment: Processing MarketPLANT INFORMATIONFruit description: Square shaped with good uniformity and nogreen shoulderFruit weight: 70g – 90gPlant description: Determinate with compact bush vigourShelf life: ModerateSeeds per gram: +/- 250 – 380 seeds/g
KSh 280.00 – KSh 2,450.00Royal CAL J TOMATO SEEDS
KSh 280.00 – KSh 2,450.00 -
California Wonder Pepper is a popular?sweet pepper?variety that is known for its high amounts of vitamin A and C and is disease resistant to tobacco mosaic virus. First introduced by California growers around 1928. Tall, sturdy plants produce good yields of blocky, thick-walled fruits.?Growing Tips: Start indoors in bright light 8-12 weeks before last frost date. Heat mat helps to warm soil and speed germination. Peppers often appreciate a bit of afternoon shade during the hottest summer weather.
KSh 280.00 – KSh 1,085.00 -
French Bean Moonstone has an excellent?plant habit and pod uniformity. The pods average 13-15 mm in length and 6-8 mm in diameter. In addition, the pods are uniformly dark green.The French Bean Moonstone? has a medium-sized erect bush and matures 55 days after transplanting. Its potential?yield is high?under good farming practices and has a good shelf life.The plant has shown strong vegetative resistance to Rust, Bea Common Mosaic, and PsP.French beans are high-yielding and can be very profitable depending on the area of cultivation (hillside or lowland) and soil type (clay, sandy clay loam, red soils).
Scientifically known as Phaseolus vulgaris, french beans are generally grown in regions with well-drained soils and rainfall ranging from 900mm to 1200mm per annum. On the other hand, french beans thrive well in dry areas under irrigation.KSh 315.00 – KSh 1,260.00Royal FRENCH BEANS (MISHIRI)
KSh 315.00 – KSh 1,260.00 -
Our green Zucchini Seeds/courgette?are a must-have for any gardener or farmer looking to grow delicious, high-yielding zucchini. These seeds are?non-GMO?and grown using sustainable methods, ensuring that you are getting the best quality product.
These plants are very easy to grow and are perfect for planting in raised beds, containers or in the ground. They are a great choice for small gardens and urban farming. They are also a great choice for farmers markets and home gardens.?They are also very?disease resistant?and can thrive in a wide range of growing conditions.Our green Zucchini Seeds have a high germination rate, which means that you will have plenty of seedlings to transplant into your garden.KSh 280.00 – KSh 1,400.00Royal GREEN ZUCHINI/COURGETTE
KSh 280.00 – KSh 1,400.00 -
This vegetable seed produces an erect plant with large,?blue-green leaves?and a thick, long white stem at maturity.A large Italian, improved giant winter leek for late season.Leek is extremely hardy, forgiving and can be planted as soon as the soil can be worked.Sow sparingly directly in drills in early-mid spring, the aim to produce pencil thick plants of around 8? tall for transplant to their final position.Can be planted in trays under cover and transplanted for an earlier crop.When pencil size (around Jun/Jul) lift carefully and remove the top third of the foliage and 1/3 of the roots.Transplant in pre-made holes of 4-6 inches deep, 8 inches between plants in a sunny position with rotted organic matter incorporated.? If space is limited this can be reduced, provided you pull alternative plants when young to make space for the remainder to grow.When transplanting carefully poor water into the hole to wash soil around the roots, then leave and earth up as they grow to blanche the stems. (Do not get soil between the leaves).Harvest alternate plants when large enough for use.
KSh 280.00 – KSh 770.00Royal LEEK ITALIAN GIANT SEEDS
KSh 280.00 – KSh 770.00 -
Rio Grande tomato produces high yields of?large red pear-shaped tomatoes. They are?thick and meaty,?with a flavor that is mildly sweet with a little of that old fashioned tart tomato flavor. One of the best paste tomatoes to grow in hot climates and will withstand extremes in temperature, both hot and cold. An excellent choice for beginner gardeners. Highly disease resistant.?Tomato seeds can be started indoors.Start seeds inside 8 weeks before the last frost date.Plant seeds 1/2″ deep in pots with growing mix and place on a warm seedling mat or in a warm area that is 70 to 85 degrees with bright light. Tomato seeds prefer relatively warm temperatures to germinate and grow quickly. Seedlings should emerge from the soil in 5-10 days. After 8 weeks, when the outdoor garden soil has warmed, harden off the seedlings and transplant them 24″ apart in rich soil and full sun.?When watering soak the soil to a depth of at least 6″ so the soil stays moist but never soggy. Mulching can help to provide uniform moisture, conserve water, and reduce weeds. Feed plants often with fertilizer that is low in nitrogen.Rio Grande tomato plants are determinate and grow 4′-6′ tall and tomatoes weigh 6 ounces.
KSh 420.00 – KSh 1,470.00Royal RIO GRANDE TOMATO SEEDS
KSh 420.00 – KSh 1,470.00 -
Royal seed red pinnoy onion seeds
A very early maturing variety.?A farmers’ favourite.
Resistances / Tolerances:
- Downy Mildew
- ?Purple Blotch Tolerance
KSh 7,700.00 – KSh 13,650.00Royal seed red pinnoy onion seeds
KSh 7,700.00 – KSh 13,650.00