Royal seedPea italian wonder (minji)
An excellent variety well adapted to all Pea growing zones
KSh 840.00 -
Royal seeds red demon f1 hybrid
Demon F1 hot pepper is a very vigorous variety with reliable performance in various growing conditions.
Demon F1 hot pepper matures 70-75 days after transplanting. The hot pepper potential yield averages 6-7 tonnes per acre under good farming practices.
Its fruits mature from a medium green color to red. In addition, the pepper has a high pungency smell.
Demon F1 hot pepper shows strong resistance to common field diseases.
KSh 3,150.00 – KSh 5,950.00 -
Heavily savoyed leaves?with a superb dark green colour and contrasting ivory stems that make an excellent alternative to spinach. The flavoursome leaves are thick and tender, making an appealing steamed vegetable or a colourful addition to stir fries. Swiss Chard ‘Fordhook Giant’ is a well established variety ffrom the 1920?s and remains popular today. Both the stalks and leaves are edible, making for delicious salads and quiche. It also goes well frozen or steamed with butter. As the name suggests, this monster Swiss Chard grows up 60cm (24″) tall, making an impressive display on the vegetable plot, or even in your flower borders! Height: 60cm (24″). Spread: 50cm (20″)Chard type spinach with white spines and dark green leaves.Plant group ? Chards, BeetrootSeasonal ? February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, DecemberUses ? Salad, VegetableOrigin ? International Heirloom, Traditional South African
KSh 245.00 – KSh 910.00 -
Texas Grano?white onion seeds?are a type of short-day open-pollinated onion variety that features white flesh and straw-colored skin. They are known for their mild and sweet flavor and even white texture. They usually grow well in temperatures between 55?F-75?F and do best in rich, moist soil.?Growing Tips: Usually started indoors 8-12 weeks in advance of planting out, typically 3-4 weeks ahead of last spring frost. Does best in rich, moist soil.?These extra-sweet and early Vidalia-type onions have a thin skin and supremely mild flavor, so sweet they can be eaten like an apple. The onion bulbs have thick scales and sweet white flesh. In addition, Texas Grano has an excellent uniform quality bulb with a mild-medium pungent flavor.
KSh 280.00 – KSh 3,430.00Royal TEXAS GRANO (WHITE ONION) SEEDS
KSh 280.00 – KSh 3,430.00 -
Rudentas Fixer
RF repels?and kills all rats and mice. It safeguards your house even without Rat striking chemical. Zinc phosphide is an inorganic compound of phosphorus and zinc. It uses as a rodenticide to kill rats and other rodents. In the stomach of Rodents, it produces poisonous gas phosphine which actually kills rodents.
KSh 630.00Rudentas Fixer
KSh 630.00 -
Rumen Magnet
A rumen magnet captures metallic objects ingested by a cow before they can cause any harm
If let free, the metallic objects move from the rumen and get lodged in vital organs and most of the time cause traumatic reticuloperitonitis, which is also called hardware disease.
The cow magnets are made of non-toxic material which can stay in the cow?s stomach for life without causing any harm.
KSh 560.00 -
Rumen Magnet Applicator 1pc
Magnet magnets?can easily be inserted orally into cows with the magnet dispenser gun model.
The cage magnet must be inserted in good time in all healthy cattle, so that diseases are prevented.
- Operation with 1 hand
- Good design
- Simple operation
- Rounded edges
- Suitable for cage magnet mode
KSh 3,430.00Rumen Magnet Applicator 1pc
KSh 3,430.00 -
Runner 240sc
A suspension concentrate selective contact and?stomach insecticide?(moult accelerating compound) for the control of Diamond-Back Moth, Cabbage sawfly, Spodoptera spp. on cabbages and roses.
7 ? 14 Days for Cabbage
Re-entry Period
6 hours
KSh 2,520.00 – KSh 5,005.00Runner 240sc
KSh 2,520.00 – KSh 5,005.00 -
‘Long Standing’ in particular has excellent flavor, improved leafiness and, as the name infers, it is slow to bolt. Add a sprig to chicken soup or add chopped leaves to Mexican, Caribbean, or Asian dishes. The crushed seeds add intriguing flavor to stews, beans, and cookies. Can be grown indoors for fresh leaves year-round. It grows best in cool temperatures.
Plant the seeds in light, well-drained soil and space them 1 to 2 inches apart. Sow the seeds at 3-week intervals for continued harvest.Space rows about 12 inches apart.It is important to keep the seeds moist during their germination, so remember to water the plants regularly.
GROWINGWater the seedlings regularly throughout the growing season. They require about 1 inch of water per week for best growth.
Thin seedlings to 6 inches apart so that they have room to develop healthy leaves.
Once the plants are established, they do not need as much water per week. Keep them moist, but be careful not to overwater them.
Fertilize once or twice during the growing season with nitrogen fertilizer. Apply 1/4 cup of fertilizer per 25 feet of row. Be sure not to over-fertilizer the plants.
To help prevent weeds, mulch around the plants as soon as they are visible above the soil. You can also till shallowly to help prevent root damage from weeds.KSh 560.00 – KSh 980.00 -
Mino Early Long White?is an open-pollenated daikon radish. White roots have flesh that is crispy and tender with mild pungency. Typically roots are between 14.5 and 15.75 inches (37 to 40 centimeters) in length, 2.5 inches (6.5 centimeters) in diameter and 1.75 pounds (800 grams) in weight. Late pithiness, medium bolting habit.Recommended harvest is summer to fall.
Matures 50 days after sowing.
Radish is such a famous, yet an underrated root vegetable. Radish aids in collagen generation and has hydrating properties, making it amazing for your skin. We can assure you that radish is a lot tastier than you think!KSh 280.00 -
Scalpel blade holder 1pc
A?scalpel is a bladed surgical instrument used to make cuts into the body.?This is a very sharp instrument and comes in various sizes for different types of cuts and surgeries. Most blades are made of either carbon or stainless (medical grade) steel. The number on a scalpel is an indication of its size and shape. In simple words, it is a shorthand code to label the characteristics of a blade. The numbering system dates back to 1915 when Morgan Parker and Charles Russell Brand patented the two-piece design of handle and blade.
Scalpels or?Scalpel Handles are intended to be use?with surgical blades for tissue separation and other procedure that require a sharp surgical blade to puncture or cut. Scalpel Handle hold the scalpel blade, it is a small and extremely sharp instrument used for surgery and anatomical dissection.
KSh 735.00Scalpel blade holder 1pc
KSh 735.00 -
SeedCo Red thunder f1 chillie seeds
Maturity – 70-75 days after transplanting
? Vigour – vigorous and strong plant
? Habit – Erect 80- 90cm
? Leaf – good foliage cover FRUIT
? Colour – medium green to deep red
? Shape – cylindrical straight pointed fruits
? Size – W 0.9-1.0 cm X L 8-10cm
? Walls – medium thick flesh
? Skin – Smooth and shiny
KSh 3,850.00 – KSh 7,000.00SeedCo Red thunder f1 chillie seeds
KSh 3,850.00 – KSh 7,000.00