Ear Tag Applicator Pin Type
Ear tag applicator is a pro special set of tools for fixing ear tags for pigs, cattle, sheep and goats. Makes ear tag placement easier and saves labor. They are of different types and sizes but their functionality and purpose are similar. By use of compatible pins in the ear tag applicator try it by squeezing the clamps of the applicator if the pins align through the jaws of the applicator it’s functioning well thus proceed with the tagging process. Owning an applicator as a farmer is fundamental since it is convinientn . tagging allows for easy identification of farm animals be it new borns or older animals.?For breeding flock, it’s adviced to install a tag on both ears when they are young.
KSh 2,450.00Ear Tag Applicator Pin Type
KSh 2,450.00 -
Gap knapsack sprayer
Knapsack sprayer widely used in agriculture and fumigation, used chiefly in pest control and in spraying fungicides or insecticides. It is a continuous type of sprayer with a fairly constant discharge rate.
KSh 2,450.00 -
Foliboost foliar fertilizer
Foliboost :Liquid formula designed for foliarapplication. Boron & Zinc chelated with organic matter & Combined with Amino Acids. Designed with rapid absorption & penetration features, leading to quick results. FoliBoost will prevent and cure all boron & Zinc deficiencies.
KSh 2,450.00 -
Kenagro Pota K nutrient flourisher
POTA-K is a bio-nutrient fertilizer and a plant soap formulated from potassium salts of fatty acids & and vegetable origin
KSh 2,450.00 -
Lysol disinfectant 12% solution
Lysol solution 12% is an antiseptic and disinfectant used for disinfection of surfaces like floors, countertops and more
KSh 2,450.00 -
Gap knapsack sprayer
Knapsack sprayer widely used in agriculture and fumigation, used chiefly in pest control and in spraying fungicides or insecticides. It is a continuous type of sprayer with a fairly constant discharge rate.
KSh 2,450.00 -
Pig restrainer
Its a device used for control of pigs during treatment. The restrainers are suitable for animals of very different weights and sizes, although they can be adjusted both in their separation and the height of the upper protective roof, a necessary element to prevent the animals from trying to climb over each other.
Do you want a safe and effective way to restrain your pigs without causing them stress or discomfort? With a pig restrainer you will be able to restrain the animals in an effective and humane way without causing them any harm.
The pig restrainer is a professional level tool that facilitates the control and immobilization of pigs during their transfer to the stunning area and later to the bleeding table, complying with the European Animal Welfare regulations. Its robust construction and well-designed features allow it to keep pigs safely and stably in place, without causing them any harm.
KSh 2,450.00 -
Multistorey garden paper
multi-storey gardens in Kenya are a vertical farming system popular with urban vegetable farmers. Growing herbs on a multi-storey garden in Kenya is now a common practice in limited spaces in densely populated locations. A grower will choose to have the multi-storey farming system out in the open, or enclosed in a?greenhouse?or shade house. This multi-storey cropping is determined by the crop grown, or other factors such as crop destruction by pests or disturbance from pets. A grower will choose to have a shade net or dam liner as the supporting basis of this pyramid farming in Kenya. In this article, we look at the dam liner option
KSh 2,520.00Multistorey garden paper
KSh 2,520.00 -
Runner 240sc
A suspension concentrate selective contact and?stomach insecticide?(moult accelerating compound) for the control of Diamond-Back Moth, Cabbage sawfly, Spodoptera spp. on cabbages and roses.
7 ? 14 Days for Cabbage
Re-entry Period
6 hours
KSh 2,520.00 – KSh 5,005.00Runner 240sc
KSh 2,520.00 – KSh 5,005.00 -
Romectin 1.8EC insecticide
ROMECTIN?is highly translaminar?insecticide?and has excellent performance on mites and leaf miners on flowers and vegetables. Romectin is primarily an ingestion toxicant with some contact action. It disrupts the nervous physiology of the pests by blocking nerve signal, quickly paralyzing the target pests thus stopping them from moving, feeding and damaging the crop further. Death follows within 3-4 days. The pest paralysis upon exposure gives immediate control despite the longer time taken to kill.
KSh 2,555.00Romectin 1.8EC insecticide
KSh 2,555.00 -
Dehorning paste dr Naylor
Dr. Naylor?s Dehorning Paste?is a safe and effective solution to prevent horn growth in animals. The paste contains a?chemical agent that destroys the horn cells and prevents their growth.?It is an easy-to-use, low-stress alternative to traditional dehorning methods such as sawing or burning.
The paste is applied to the horn buds of young animals, preferably before they are 2 days old, and the horn-producing cells are destroyed before they attach to the skull.
Dr. Naylor?s? Dehorning Paste is a humane way to eliminate the risk of injury and aggression caused by horned animals that live in confined areas.
One bottle treats about 30 animals.
KSh 2,590.00Dehorning paste dr Naylor
KSh 2,590.00 -
LACHLAN Calcimax
Calcimax is compatible with most commonly used foliar feeds. Do not use with products that contain high Phosphorous, Phosphite, and Sulphur levels including commercial applications. Where overhead systems are in use, avoid scheduling irrigation directly after application. In Orchards equipped with micro irrigation systems, spray deposits should not be affected by irrigation. Use the lower concentration for maintenance and the higher concentration for suf?cient uptake.
KSh 2,590.00LACHLAN Calcimax
KSh 2,590.00