papaya red royale seeds
A semi-dwarf hybrid variety from Royal Seeds
KSh 1,120.00papaya red royale seeds
KSh 1,120.00 -
These PVC black plastic pots are useful for?germinating?seedlings.?Premium?nursery grade 120mm round plastic pots Ideal for re-potting seedlings or cuttings and are also suitable for growing potted-colour such as annuals, herbs, strawberries and many other common garden plants. These plastic pots are made of?a lightweight thermoformed polypropylene?and hold approximately 790mL of potting-mix. The pots measure approximately 120mm across at the top and stand 110mm tall.
Designed to bring color and vibrancy to your home/office interio It makes growing plants more fun.
These pots introduce new designs with latest color trends keeping in mind the increasing demand for planters for garden, terrace, indoor and outdoor plants.The opinion of customers, plant nurseries, architects, and professionals has been taken into consideration while selecting this range of pots.
This pot has sufficient drainage holes at the bottom, which helps to avoid the overwatering to the plant.
KSh 490.00 -
Kale Multileaved is a?green vigorous vegetable?with multiple soft, tender leaves and a longer harvesting period. Notable tolerance to light frost. Ideal for growing year-round in all areas.The variety matures?50-60 days?after transplanting and has a potential yield of 12.5-19 tons per acre under good farming practices.The kale has shown?resistance?to?fusarium yellow?and black rot diseases. Kale has a relatively fast growth rate and can grow from seed to harvest in about three months. It is best planted in the late winter or early spring and can also be planted in the late summer for a fall to winter harvest. This biennial plant takes two years to complete its growth cycle?so it grows leaves in its first year, while seeds and flowers develop in its second growing season.
KSh 280.00 -
Syngenta Tatua demand 10cs insecticide
A public health insecticide from Syngentas for control of adult mosquitoes, bedbugs, cockroaches and other crawling pests..
Rate of use:?
Mix the 62.5ml pack in 8-10 litres of water or the 25ml pack in 4 litres of water
KSh 1,330.00Syngenta Tatua demand 10cs insecticide
KSh 1,330.00 -
Jacto Adjustable Sprayer Nozzle (blue)
Adjustable cone nozzle simple quick change in pattern with a twist of the tip. Wide cone to a solid stream. The smallest good for areas with little or no wind small droplet size. The next size is the largest. All of them are adjustable.
KSh 630.00Jacto Adjustable Sprayer Nozzle (blue)
KSh 630.00 -
Undertaker 480EC is a broad spectrum?termiticide?with contact, fumigant and stomach actions, used on timber, wood buildings and constructions, concrete slabs, termites? nests and trees to control termites.?Chlorpyrifos?works by inhibiting acetyl cholinesterase (AChE), which is an enzyme that degrades neurotransmitters.?Undertaker 480EC can be applied as a?direct spray?on construction wood and be drenched at the base of trees. DO NOT apply to soils if excessively wet, immediately after heavy rain or if heavy rains are expected within 48 hours to avoid run-off of chemical.On concrete slabs under construction, treat the outside of the foundation wall trenches with 6 ? 12 litres of the solution per linear meter and to the depths of 40 -75 cm. replace the soil and apply another 8 ? 16 litres of the solution per linear meter and cover the trench and fill the treated soil with a thin layer of untreated soil.
KSh 280.00 – KSh 3,360.00Greenlife UNDERTAKER 480EC INSECTICIDE
KSh 280.00 – KSh 3,360.00 -
Pig tooth clippers
This is designed to remove the first set of canine teeth to prevent biting, injuries to the mother while Brest feeding and preventing them from causing deep wound cuts from each other. It is metallic material thus very durable for its kind of functionality.
KSh 1,120.00Pig tooth clippers
KSh 1,120.00 -
A?water dispersible?granule containing a residual contact?pyrethroid?with a good residuality on most surfaces. A broad-spectrum, fast-acting insecticide for residual surface application.
Malaria-transmitting and nuisance mosquitoes, sand flies, flies, fleas and bed bugs.
Active Ingredients
Deltamethrin (pyrethroid) 250 g/kg
Residual action
The residual activity of K-Othrine WG 250 as per WHOPES is 3 ? 6 months. ? ? Application Rate
?Insects Conditions ?K-Othrine? WG 250 Water Application Rate CRAWLING INSECTS. Public Health Insects e.g. bed bugs, fleas, ants, cockroaches.Stored Product Insects Chronic infestations where re-invasion is likely and long residual control is necessary 5.0 g (10x Ezi-dose) 5 Litres 5 L/100 m2 CRAWLING INSECTS. Public Health Insects e.g. bed bugs, fleas, ants, cockroaches.Stored Product Insects ?Clean up treatment of isolated infestations 2.5 g (5x Ezi-dose) 5 Litres 5 L/100 m2 FLYING INSECTS. e.g. flies, mosquitoes and moths. 2.5 g (5x Ezi-dose) 5 Litres ? 5 L/100 m2 KSh 1,330.00K-OTHRINE WG 250 20GM
KSh 1,330.00 -
Norbrook Milking Salve
MILKING SALVE (NORBROOK) It contains 0.55% w/w Dichlorophen BP with Lanolin Indication: In addition to making the milking process hygienic and smooth regular use Prevents the occurrence of sores and dry cracks on the teats and udder during Milking these predisposing to mastitis
Norbrook milking salve hastens healing and smoothing of chapped udders and teats
ADMINISTRATIONWhen milking by hand, it is advisable that the milker’s hands as well as the animal’s udder and teats be cleaned using warm water and dried with a clean cloth, before application of milking salve to the hands and teats prior to normal milking
in the case of machine milking, Norbrook milking salve may be applied after milking using the same procedureKSh 210.00 – KSh 490.00Norbrook Milking Salve
KSh 210.00 – KSh 490.00 -
Big rock f1 tomato seeds
Plant Vigour Vigorous Maturity Very Early in 65 days after planting Fruit Wt 140 -160 G Fruit Shape Oval & very firm- Keeps well upto 15 days after harvest Fruit firmness Very Good Disease Tolerance Leaf Curl Virus and Root Knot Nematode KSh 4,200.00 – KSh 9,100.00Big rock f1 tomato seeds
KSh 4,200.00 – KSh 9,100.00 -
SIMLAW SEEDS Jews Mallow Mrenda/murere Seeds
Jute mallow or Nalita jute is a species of shrub in the family Malvaceae. Together with C. capsularis it is the primary source of jute fiber. The leaves and young fruits are used as a vegetable, the dried leaves are used for tea and as a soup thickener, and the seeds are edible
KSh 280.00 – KSh 630.00SIMLAW SEEDS Jews Mallow Mrenda/murere Seeds
KSh 280.00 – KSh 630.00 -
Doom 2 Mouse And Rat Glue Board
- Manufactured with?special glue, strong and evenly distributed.
- Environment-friendly, and suitable for places where poisons or snap traps are prohibited or discouraged like food factories, restaurants, hospitals etc.
- Easy to use, these glue traps have a flexible design for use in tight spaces. Just place it where mice are observed frequently, such as indoor, kitchen, office, meeting room, restaurant, behind appliances, under sink, near garbage areas etc.
- Easy to clean up, didn’t have to touch the mouse to get it out of the trap – just opened it over the garbage can into a bag – DONE!
- Provides a large catching surface area and maximum holding power to ensure a high capture rate for mice or rat.
KSh 315.00Doom 2 Mouse And Rat Glue Board
KSh 315.00