Pestorid bolus
a chemical substance used to kill harmful insects, small animals, wild plants, and other. Cautiously use for puppies under four weeks of age and kittens under 6 weeks of age. Liver toxicity may occur when large doses are taken continuously.
KSh 4,410.00Pestorid bolus
KSh 4,410.00 -
AMIRAN Kohinor 200SL sc insecticide
A systemic Insecticide for use in ornamentals, coffee, tobacco, sugarcane, vegetables, citrus and agroforestry against sucking pests, aphids, white flies, plant and leafhoppers, thrips, scales, mealy bugs, plant bugs, Psyllids, termites and other Important pests. Active ingredient: Imidacloprid.
KSh 4,760.00AMIRAN Kohinor 200SL sc insecticide
KSh 4,760.00 -
Basf Cabrio 250EC
Cabrio is your ultimate solution for the control of coffee berry disease with the AgCelence effect which translates to increased yield and quality.
KSh 4,900.00Basf Cabrio 250EC
KSh 4,900.00 -
PYEGAR 357 SC insecticide
PYEGAR is an insecticide?that is a combination (combi) of natural pyrethrines and garlic extract formulated in assorted vegetable oils. RATE AND METHOD OF APPLICATION: The recommended rate is 3mls per litre of water. This is equivalent to 60mls per knapsack. Shake the product thoroughly before mixing with water. High pH may affect efficacy. It is recommended to adjust the water pH to 5-6 before mixing. Spray to wet covering all the target area including underleaf.
KSh 4,900.00PYEGAR 357 SC insecticide
KSh 4,900.00 -
KNICKER Beekeeping suit
Buy best Beekeeping Suit dealers in Kenya. sting proof bee suit for full protection. ventilated bee suit for visibility and comfort will harvesting honey.
KSh 5,040.00 -
Microp topdressing fertilizer
MiCROP dressing fertilizer is a new quality fertilizer from Yara East Africa Limited. MiCROP fertilizers have been with Kenyan farmers in mind, taking into consideration typical Kenyan soil conditions in Kenya and micronutrients deficiencies in our soils.
KSh 5,250.00 -
Syngenta Servian 75 WG
Servian is a?selective?early post-emergence herbicide for control of yellow nutsedge and purple nutsedges and certain broadleaf weedds in barley, wheat, maize and sugarcane.
KSh 5,320.00Syngenta Servian 75 WG
KSh 5,320.00 -
AMIRAN Agromaster Fertilizer
Agromaster Fertilizer; with a??superior range in performance that combines control release technology with a specially formulated NPK granule providing nitrogen control & high quality nutrients uniformly.
Controlled release fertilizers (CRF)
Controlled Release Fertilizers are fertilizer granules?covered with a semipermeable coating (a kind of membrane). After application water penetrates through the semi-permeable coating and starts to dissolve the nutrients present in the granule. The release of nutrients starts once they have been partially dissolved. A pump-like action is initiated due to differences in osmotic pressure (see diagram on page 4). The plant is able to take up the released nutrients. A simple one time application of CRF delivers targeted nutrition that leads to healthy plants, uniform growth and optimal yield. This translates into maximum results with minimal effort.
KSh 5,950.00AMIRAN Agromaster Fertilizer
KSh 5,950.00 -
Greenlife Navigator 100SC
Navigator 100SC is a professional public health care synthetic pyrethroid insecticide which controls a wide range of insects especially cockroaches, mosquitoes and bedbugs in domestic premises, public buildings and industrial places.
KSh 5,950.00Greenlife Navigator 100SC
KSh 5,950.00 -
KSh 6,300.00
JUANCO Dragnet insecticide
Dragnet is a modern formulation insecticide with special long-lasting qualities, soil stability and highly repellancy, making it suitable for the control ?of termites. ?It controls termites, ants, carpenter bees, beetles and old house borers.
KSh 6,370.00JUANCO Dragnet insecticide
KSh 6,370.00