agromax 720
Its a fungicide for the control of early and late blight in potatoes and tomatoes.
KSh 455.00 – KSh 1,260.00 -
Tutalure pheromone
A para-pheromone bait for luring adult males of Tomato leaf miner (Tuta absoluta) into a trap. For monitoring and mass killing in tomato crops and other solanacaea host plants. Used with soapy (or oily) water or delta insert and delta trap.
KSh 595.00 -
TRUVETS Planta p
A unique liquid polyphosphate slow release fertilizer, with special polymer chains between Phosphate molecules
KSh 1,120.00 -
YaraRega 15-15-15+SO3
YaraRega? is the new global brand for water-soluble granular NPK fertilizers for field fertigation. Yara?s technology has transformed granular fertilizer into a watersoluble product, making it the first of its kind and more affordable than other water-soluble fertilizers on the market. YaraRega? is a competitive alternative to traditional fertilization and has been designed for field crops irrigated with drippers or spray units
KSh 2,940.00 -
Choke chain
Chrome CSP is a chrome-plated steel choke-chain dog collar. Its metal link rsults very sturdy and hard-wearing with special rings on the final parts useful to fasten your dog lead. The dog collars Chrome CSP are suitable for helping you and train your dog.
KSh 700.00 -
Bayer Folicur fungicide
Folicur acts as a systemic fungicide. Demethylase inhibitors (DMI) – interfere in the process of building the structure of the fungal cell wall. Finally inhibit the reproduction and further growth of the fungus.
Folicur contains Tebuconazole a systemic triazole fungicide. Triazoles are the leading chemical class of fungicides worldwide. Folicur offers an effective and reliable solution against a wide spectrum of diseases in many crops by protective, curative and eradicative action. Application of Folicur results in greening effect on the crop foliage.
KSh 525.00 -
Lysol disinfectant 12% solution
Lysol solution 12% is an antiseptic and disinfectant used for disinfection of surfaces like floors, countertops and more
KSh 2,450.00 -
EM1 Effective micro organisms
EM ? 1? is in liquid form and contains various groups of microorganisms, including lactic acid bacteria, yeasts and photosynthetic bacteria. Thanks to the coexistence of the microorganisms in EM ? 1? and the metabolites it contains, already existing microorganisms are activated in different environments and conditions where it is added. This is possible in many different areas such as agriculture, animal husbandry, environmental and water purification, and health care.
KSh 2,100.00 -
Maxigrow high K
Maxigrow high K is a powerfulfoliar fertilizer solution with high levels of potassium that is formulated to promote flowering, fruit set and fruit development, it is also a remedy for any potassium deficiency in crop.
maxigrow high K is compatible with most commonly used insecticides and fungicides.
Do not mix with other foliar fertilizer
KSh 595.00 – KSh 980.00 -
presept tablets
PRESEPT? products take hospital and hard surface disinfection beyond the confines of hypochlorites. A complete biocidal spectrum based on the specific action of NaDCC (troclosene sodium) ensures a highly effective disinfection, even in the presence of blood or other organic matter, providing protection against all organisms . With long-term stability in storage, full biocidal activity is guaranteed right up to the moment of use. In every department, PRESEPT? disinfectant products provide a dependable, practical and versatile solution to disinfection.
KSh 4,200.00 -
Equation Pro Fungicide
It is best in class control for oomycetes providing multiple level and longer duration (7-14 days protection) of control. Its antisporulant and spore killing activity provides complete disaese control and alsochecks further disease spread.
KSh 350.00 – KSh 2,450.00 -
Mazao plenty high calcium
A proper calcium intake is a key to normal root system development, a healthy fruit set, and quality fruit development at the same time as it stimulates photosynthesis and makes nitrogen use more efficient. So we can describe calcium as an element of primary importance.
KSh 1,190.00