Leader bucket sprayer
The bucket sprayer is designed?to pump the spray fluid directly from, the open container, usually a bucket. The hydraulic pump will be put inside the bucked and held properly with the help of foot rest.
KSh 8,750.00Leader bucket sprayer
KSh 8,750.00 -
Basf Priaxor 225 EC fungicide
Priaxor? Highly effective and consistent fungicide for the control of Coffee Berry disease and helps improve crop quality and yield. Priaxor? Dual mode of action is a powerful tool for broad spectrum disease control and integrated resistance management.
KSh 8,750.00Basf Priaxor 225 EC fungicide
KSh 8,750.00 -
Storm blocks is a highly anticoagulant rodenticide. Storm Blocks are a trusted industry standard for?reliable?rat and mouse control. Very durable, stable and cost-effective baits, they are ideal for year-round protection of vulnerable areas. Their high levels of palatability and potency mean fewer bait pulses are needed to achieve control. It only takes a single feed for rodents ? even ones with developed resistance to other baits ? to consume a lethal dose. This particular one has a shelf life of two years from the manufacture date if stored in a tightly sealed original unopened containers under cool and dry storage conditions. The storm bait blocks come in a bright white packaging with a handle for easier transport and storage when not in use.
KSh 8,820.00 -
SIMLAW SEEDS Tomato crown f1 seeds
Simlaw Seeds is 100% committed to selling superior and reliable seeds.?F2 hybrids are the offspring of a F1 hybrid variety, pollinated by hand or natural means?they are the result of seeds saved from an F1 plant. Plants grown from F2 hybrid seeds are usually less vigorous and productive compared to F1 hybrids
KSh 9,100.00SIMLAW SEEDS Tomato crown f1 seeds
KSh 9,100.00 -
LACHLAN Multiphos Compound NP fertilizer
Multiphos 10-25-0 + TE is a granular Compound NP fertilizer (Chemically Formulated) containing secondary and microelements for direct application to soil or in physical mixtures. It ensures a greater homogeneity of the elements in the mixture.
DuraPhos Technology
The product contains both Duramon Technology to protect the Nitrogen from leaching & volatilization and Multiphos Technology that protects controlled-release Phosphorous from lockup.
KSh 9,100.00 – KSh 10,920.00LACHLAN Multiphos Compound NP fertilizer
KSh 9,100.00 – KSh 10,920.00 -
18 Lt knapsack Manual and Electric Sprayer has new design and unique structure, comfortable, safe and efficient when you use it. It can be used for all kinds of crops and also for the environmental Sanitation of public places like Parks, and for the epidemic prevention and sanitation of livestock and poultry sheds.
This product has two systems, Manual and Electric.?(1) Electric operated function uses service battery as source of power. It uses motor to drive pump liquid and get pressure mist. Its atomisation effect is good, and the working efficiency is 3-4 times better than that of manual sprayer. Every time it can be usedfor 5-7 hours continually after its fully recharged, and can Spray liquid 300-800kg, it uses electricity less than 0.3degree, reducing the work labor intensity greatly and create high economic benefits.?(2) Manual operated function: After using Out battery?s Power, you can use this Sprayer by hands so you will not lose working hours.
CHARACTERISTICS:- ?The product consist of fluid tank, bottom, battery, miniature Pump, charger, pressure regulator, power switch, voltmeter (choose), spray parts (hose, switch, nozzles), belt and so on. And also with extra chamber assembly.
- The container external form is an imitation Of human back?s curve. It’s quite comfortable for the users. The design is SPECific anD Original:
- It uses the Miniature diaphragm pump, characteristic, Pressure relief automatically, high Pressure and long life. According to different kinds of crops and the spray nozzle, The Product can be Equipped with Pressure regulator to have the right pressure and get the perfect Spray mist effects.
KSh 10,500.00 -
Pulmic raptor manual sprayer 16 lts
- MANUAL BACKPACK HYDRAULIC SPRAYER: Pulmic Raptor 16 Advance Pump Sprayer for application of agrochemicals. This is the advanced version in the Raptor family. Lighter than other models. This Backpack ?Sprayer is suitable for a professional farmer.
- ADJUSTABLE NOZZLE:?in fiberglass lance with fastening. Thanks to its adjustable nozzle, you can manage the flow rate and type of spray at all times. Control is easy with this 4 Gallon Backpack sprayer.
- PADDED STRAPS: you can spend hours working without your back hurting. This Commercial Garden Sprayer is developed for professional farmers, looking for the maximum efficiency of both the product and the user.
- THE PULMIC RAPTOR 16 ADVANCE:?is the professional’s best ally. High-quality materials, ease of use, lightness and no need for tools to disassemble. Best Sprayer in Lawn and Garden.
- ECCENTRIC PUMP WITH LOWER WEAR: Even use as a Water Backpack Sprayer
KSh 10,500.00Pulmic raptor manual sprayer 16 lts
KSh 10,500.00 -
Syngenta Actellic 300CS
A micro-encapsulated formulation of Actellic? for the long-lasting control of pyrethroid resistant malaria-carrying mosquitoes. Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) programs provide up to one-year’s residual control of mosquitoes and other public health pests.
Long-lasting control of pyrethroid resistant mosquitoes
Key Features
- Micro-encapsulated formulation of the organophosphate insecticide pirimiphosmethyl
- Controls a wide range of nuisance pests including mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches, and other crawling insects
- Controls pyrethroid resistant strains of Anopheles and Culex
- Long-lasting performance of up to one-year across a wide range of surfaces
KSh 10,780.00Syngenta Actellic 300CS
KSh 10,780.00 -
Bayer Seminis hybrid onion jambar seeds
Early maturing variety that matures in 90days from transplanting. The bulbs are deep red and uniform(Large -extra Large) with a shelf life of 6months after proper curing and harvesting
KSh 10,920.00Bayer Seminis hybrid onion jambar seeds
KSh 10,920.00 -
Twiga Twiga-epox 250 sc fungicide
Twiga-Epox is a broad spectrum protective and curative systemic triazole fungicide for effective and long-lasting control of a wide range of fungal diseases in various crops.
Upon application, Twiga-Epox penetrates the plant and is distributed throughout the plant system.
Treated areas of the plant and new leaves/shoots formed after the fungicide application are protected from infection. Infection is prevented as a result of certain interactions between epoxiconazole and the fungal cells which result in the death of the fungus.
KSh 10,920.00Twiga Twiga-epox 250 sc fungicide
KSh 10,920.00 -
LACHLAN Duramon 30
Duramon patented technology containing the MCDHS inhibitor slowing the conversion of ureic nitrogen to ammoniacal form, offering a slow release of nitrogen. Duramon 30 supplies Nitrogen? with macro and micro-elements essential for photosynthesis in one granule
KSh 11,200.00LACHLAN Duramon 30
KSh 11,200.00 -
Panagric GSP Knapsack Sprayers
Our GSP 15ltrs?Knapsack manual sprayer?is a robust, reliable and field proven sprayer that is ideal for commercial farming.?GSP?- Concept is an eco friendly spraying technology that ensures adequate maintenance and calibration of this top of the range brand and gives maximum protection and comfort to the operator. our GSP knapsack sprayers require only minimum maintenance effort and are very durable. Our high quality knapsack sprayers comes in 15 ltrs, 16ltrs 20ltrs and one ltrs hand spr
KSh 11,830.00 – KSh 13,650.00Panagric GSP Knapsack Sprayers
KSh 11,830.00 – KSh 13,650.00