Aesthetics Milking Salve Crak
This helps in preventing the teats from cracking and chapping, and keeps the skin soft, pliable and healthy. For teat cracks, apply Atlantis Milking salve in a sufficient quantity to fill cracks and cover the surrounding area. Apply uniformly to the chapped area and bruises to maintain skin suppleness
KSh 210.00 -
Application Timing Spray at first sign of infestation. Repeat application after 10 – 14 days intervals. For scale insect control, an addition of medium light white oil at 1.2% of the total spray volume enhances control. Preparation of Spray Mixture Dilute recommended amount of DIAZOL 60EC with required amount of water in the spraying tank stirring well. Do not allow the spray mixture to stand. For high volume application, use 100 – 1000lt. Spray mixture/ Ha. Note: On Roses, a trial application is recommended to check for plant tolerance of species and varieties prior to large scale treatment. Hazards/precautions Wear protective clothing, hand gloves, face shield, and impermeable boots when preparing the spray mixture and when spraying. Avoid breathing the spray mist, contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Do not apply upwind and stay out of spray mist. Do not smoke, drink or eat while handling the product.
KSh 280.00 -
Alpha kill is a non-systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action. Acts on the central and peripheral nervous system in very low doses.
Alpha Kill is used for controlling of a wide range of chewing and sucking insects like Lepidopterans, Coleopterons?, and Hemipterans) in fruit , vegetables, cereals, maize, beet, tomatoes, potatoes, cotton, eggplants, rice, soya beans, vines, forestry, and other crops also used Control of cockroaches, mosquitoes, flies, bed bugs, snails, millipedes and other insect pests in public health; and flies in animal houses. Also used as an animal ectoparasiticide.KSh 315.00 – KSh 560.00 -
Emtop Pruning saw
The EMTOP Pruning Saw with Extension Bar is a versatile and efficient cutting tool designed for pruning and trimming tasks. Here are the key features of this pruning saw:
Size: The pruning saw has an extended blade length of 13 inches (330mm), providing you with extra reach for reaching higher branches and tackling larger pruning jobs.
Material: The saw is constructed from durable and sturdy 65Mn steel, ensuring it can withstand tough cutting conditions and resist wear over time.
7TPI Heat Treatment Teeth: The saw’s teeth are heat-treated and set at 7 teeth per inch (7TPI). This heat treatment enhances the saw’s cutting performance and ensures that it remains sharp and effective for prolonged use.
KSh 1,260.00 -
Organix Zaidi 0.025% EC
Zaidi is a new generation plant growth promoter for tea. Zaidi contains Brassinolides, which are natural substances with plant growth promoting activities. They trigger vital physiological processes in plants leading to enhanced growth, development and crop yield. Zaidi is non-toxic, biodegradable, environmentally friendly and ecologically safe.
Zaidi requires only three applications at monthly intervals commencing just before the dry spells or during periods of water stress at 100ml per hectare or 40ml per acre. Zaidi?s active ingredients are in readily absorbable form making it effective as a foliar spray.KSh 2,940.00 -
Peas oregon ii seeds
Oregon Sugar Pod is a tall growing mangetout type producing really large broad flat pods. For the sweetest flavour, pick when the peas are just forming in the pod. The plant will grow to a height of 100cm.
any young people today have never seen a pea-pod and only recognise peas if they come out of a plastic bag! We think this is a sad state of affairs because when grown fresh, peas are a totally different vegetable to those that are frozen. To get the sweetest flavour, peas are best cooked when picked young and cooked within 30 minutes of harvest, before the sugar has turned to starch.
KSh 1,120.00 -
TRUVETS Cytomone
A combination of several cyto-hormones in unique proportions, and with reversible weak bonds that stimulate synergy and complementation effect, for modification and optimization of plant growth and production.
KSh 1,260.00 -
Twiga Isacop 50WP fungicide
Isacop 50WP is a green wettable powder fungicide, for the control of coffee berry disease (CBD) & rust on coffee.
KSh 3,500.00 -
Electric sheep clipper ( Electric wool shear)
Sheep shearing is the process by which the woolen fleece of a sheep is cut off. The person who removes the sheep’s wool is called a shearer. Typically each adult sheep is shorn once each year (depending upon dialect, a sheep may be said to have been “shorn”, “sheared” or “shore” (in Australia)). The annual shearing most often occurs in a shearing shed, a facility especially designed to process often hundreds and sometimes more than 3,000 sheep per day. Electric sheep shearing makes shearing faster and easier.
KSh 17,500.00 -
Jacto Sprayer Replacement Trigger Valve Assembly 1168419
Replacement trigger valve assembly for Jacto XP series and HD400 blue sprayers.
KSh 1,960.00 -
Share this product HighChem Kaptin XP
Kaptin XP is oral calcium and phosphorus supplement with high energy.
KSh 700.00 -
Ramses white sorghum
It’s rich in vitamins and minerals like B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, and zinc. It’s also an excellent source of fiber, antioxidants, and protein. What’s more, it’s easy to replace rice or quinoa with whole sorghum in most recipes.
KSh 1,050.00